Clinical Supervision

From the HEE Quality Framework, the expectation for the quality of your supervision is:

“Learners receive educational and pastoral support to be able to demonstrate what is expected in their curriculum or professional standards to achieve the learning outcomes required.”

What's happening

Training & Sessions

Clinical Supervision sessions


GP educational supervisors only

Educational Supervisors for FCP Roadmap Training

HEE are able to offer a top up regarding the FCP-Advanced Practice Roadmap to existing GP Educational Supervisors:

If you would like to attend, please email [email protected]

Nurse Clinical Supervision Sessions

Lancashire and South Cumbria Primary Care Training Hub host Clinical Supervision Sessions (For Nurses & ACPs)

Book your place on our Events Calendar.

See at the bottom of this page resources shared from these sessions.

We would also like your help: Please complete this survey to help us refine our clinical supervision sessions. Click here for Nurse Survey or Click here for ACP Survey.

Educational supervisor training for pharmacy workforce

ProPharmace are pleased to offer two fully funded, free to access Supervisor training programmes for those supervising the pharmacy workforce

ProPharmace are pleased to offer two fully funded, free to access Supervisor training programmes for those supervising the pharmacy workforce. These programmes will ensure those involved in educational supervision, are confident to provide support and developmental aid to the pharmacy workforce.

  • Training for Educational Supervisors including Designated Supervisors (DS)

Both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians can apply for the educational supervisor training.

  • Training for Designated Prescribing Practitioners (DPP)

Designated Prescribing Practitioners (DPP) supporting supervision of learners in the pharmacy workforce.

Wider Workforce Clinical Supervisors Course

We are currently hosting our  Wider Workforce Clinical Supervisors Course.

See further information at the bottom of this webpage.

This course is always in high demand. We recommend early sign-up but please be prepared to be placed on a waiting list.

Cohorts fill up fast, to book a place or express your interest, please complete this form.
The GMTH team will be in touch to advise of the dates you have acquired a place.