We are delighted to inform you that we have been shortlisted for the Life Journey Pathway Placement in the Nursing Times Awards 2024 in the category of Nursing in Primary Care.

Life Journey Pathway (CPEP project) is a unique and innovative placement encompassing a ‘Person’s Life Journey through Health and Social Care’, underpinning the journey from birth to death.

The project was developed in partnership with Lancashire and South Cumbria Primary Care Training Hub
(LSC PCTH), Social Care, HCRG Care Group, Learner Quality Ambassadors, Service User Representatives,
Edge Hill University, University of Central Lancashire, University of Bolton, University of Cumbria and has
been facilitated in various practices and Nursing Homes across Lancashire and South Cumbria.

Winners will be announced on Wednesday 23rd October 2024



General Practice is particularly suited to supporting the development of healthcare learners due to the wide range of learning opportunities and types of patient contact that take place in this clinical setting.

It is also a great setting to support the development of staff and provide opportunities to upskill through many programmes.

What's happening

Newest Updates

Safe Learning Environment Charter

The Safe Learning Environment Charter (SLEC) supports the development of positive safety cultures and continuous learning across all learning environments in the NHS. It is underpinned by principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Click here to view and download the PDF posters, safe-learning-charter-themes-posters

  • The Charter is designed for learners and those responsible for supporting placement learning across all learning environments and all professions within them. It is aligned to the NHS People Promise in recognition that learners are vital to the workforce and are included in the promises we must all make to each other, to improve everyone’s experience of working in the NHS. The Charter sets out the supportive learning environment required to allow learners to become well-rounded professionals with the right skills and knowledge to provide safe and compassionate care of the highest quality.

For more information please visit NHS England » Safe Learning Environment Charter – what good looks like

Maximising practice learning to build the future workforce

We are pleased to invite you to an exciting seminar series entitled “Maximising Practice Learning to Build the Future Workforce”. This series is designed to support regional activities aimed at enhancing the practice learning experience for our pre-registration students and sharing best practice across the. Attached is an overview of the sessions planned to date but individual invitations will follow as calendar invitations.


During this series, we will explore innovative strategies to practice learning, including models of supervision. Attendees will have the opportunity to share insights and best practice and then have the insight to develop their own actionable plans to address the current challenges and opportunities in practice learning.


We believe your participation will be invaluable to the success of this initiative and are looking forward to working together to drive impactful change in our region.


If you wish to attend any of the sessions please do just accept, there is no requirement to book a place. See all topics and dates here: Maximising Practise Learning Seminar series 2025 19.02.25


If you would like the opportunity to share innovative practice from within your organisation or system, please contact Nicky Morrell-Scott on nicola.morrell-scott@nhs.net.

PARE and ULE Update

Approval of new learning environments in Primary Care across the Northwest will now be undertaken via the Unified Learning Environment (ULE) process. 
The online Unified Learning Environment functionality within the PARE (Practice Assessment Record & Evaluation) system is now live across the Northwest.

This means that learning environments will be approved for any learner (except medical students), as long as the environment can demonstrate they:

  • Have the appropriate Educator(s)
  • Can cover the curriculum requirements of each learner
  • Have sufficient capacity
  • Meet quality standards set by Regulators and/or NHS England

The ULE process is a National Health Service England (NHSE) programme supported by our regulatory bodies GMC/NMC/HCPC. Organisations can apply for approval as a single provider, such as a GP Practice, or a multi-provider, such as a PCN or Federation.

Moving forward, the ULE process will be administrated by the ICS Training Hubs and reviews will take place in a virtual format. The National Education Contract is signed by the ICS Training Hub for primary care placements. The quality assurance of this process will be undertaken via the NHSE NW Primary Care School.

PARE (Practice Assessment Record & Evaluation) was developed by Health Education England (now part of NHS England) and the University of Chester. PARE will host a digital Learning Environment Approval Audit, automating a pre-agreed process for the approval of new Learning Environments across the region and delegating the various stages of the process to the correct stakeholders. PARE will also act as a database to host relevant information regarding NW GP Practices (for example whether they are currently a training practice or not) and NW Educators (for example showing which professionals they are approved to supervise at which practice). Having oversight of environments and supervisors enables the NW Primary Care School and wider stakeholders to identify capacity and thus help to increase the number of available learning environments across the North West.

The ULE functionality within PARE will show which environments have been audited by the NWPEG audit (via the Higher Educational Institutes and Training Hubs) and which environments have been audited via the new Unified Learning Environment (ULE) process. As of 10th October 2023, all new environment approvals/audits in primary care will be reviewed and ratified in electronic format via the PARE system.

To prepare for the move to the ULE process and to PARE, the Primary Care School has completed a data cleansing exercise, a ULE pilot, and a beta test.PLEASE NOTE the following:

  • GP Practices only appear once on PARE and will be moved under a single organisation in PARE called ‘Primary Care School (North West)’
  • Access will still be controlled – users will have access to specific placements, or relevant groups of placements, based on their access rights and the ‘tags’ being applied to each placement (PCN, Training Hub, PIVO and GP Training Programme)
  • In instances where practices had multiple PR codes previously, these have now been amalgamated under one ODS code
  • Existing PARE users will still (where applicable) be able to search on practice name to find placement information, however the ODS code can now also be used
  • Information that was held in a separate area of PARE during the pilot and beta test phases will now be visible to all applicable users
  • We have completed a thorough review of access rights for existing PARE users
  • PARE FAQs were created – please find these attached – this includes information around how your account may differ moving forward and why some placements have been renamed and/or merged

If you have any queries regarding your access to, or placements on the PARE system, or regarding the ULE approval process, please contact your local Training Hub: mbpcc.lscthub@nhs.net

See more information here:

Tariff Guidance 2024-25

NHSE have produced a Tariff Guidance document for 2024-25. Shareable guidance for providers in now available on the NHSE website here.

NHSE have advised this document aims to ‘demystify and summarise clinical tariff, how it works, how the funding works and case studies of how it’s being used’.  

What's happening

Meet our General Practice Education Facilitators (GPEFs)

Dannii Jones

Blackpool, Fylde Coast, Wyre & Morecambe Bay

Karen McCormick

West Lancashire

Suzie Wilson-Shaw

Central Lancashire

Jay Blackshaw

Lancashire & South Cumbria
PEF for TNAs

Angela Ormrod

Pennine Lancashire

Julia Mullaney

Pennine Lancashire

Arshad Patel

Lancashire & South Cumbria
PEF for Undergraduate Pharmacy


TPEP 3 Infrastructure Scoping

The survey will take approximately 6 minutes to complete.
This is a form for scoping out the shifts for each placement area.
Please consider every profession

Apprenticeship Placements

There is a requirement that proficiencies and learning outcomes will be completed by external placements; including short-spoke, and long-spoke placements.  Your GPEFs will work in partnership with external organisations to secure your long-spoke placements, it is, therefore, essential these are arranged via the GPEF, therefore, please DO NOT contact the organisations yourselves.

                                        To contact please see meet our GPEFs above.

What's happening


We offer 3 different placement models.  Each model gives the learners the opportunity to experience a multidisciplinary team, working to expand their knowledge, the roles within the organisation, and how different roles interact in providing services to the local population.  Placements give learners the chance to participate in extra settings which may have different specialisms or enhanced services; this allows the learners to develop their skills, confidence, and competencies more.

These placements are for learners who are allocated to a main placement area (hub) where they will spend the majority of their placement, but also visit associated placement areas (spoke) for shorter periods of time giving the learners the opportunity to gain experience in other settings.

Download the below PDF here.

Standard placements is one placement where the learner will remain for the whole allocated time period.

Download the below PDF here.

This placement has been developed in partnership with Primary Care, Social Care, Student Quality Ambassadors, Patient Representatives, Edge Hill University, University of Central Lancashire, and University of Cumbria for Pre-Registration Nurses.

This placement is a unique and innovative experience for learners to follow a ‘real life’ case study of a person/family’s journey within Health and Social Care, underpinning the journey from birth to death.   The learner experience will include allocated time within 3 organisations, which allows the learner to gain a holistic overview of the person, the care they receive and the services they access across their life journey, this will develop a holistic approach to a person/family’s health and well-being alongside developing skills, knowledge, and experience within the learner’s programme of study.
See the A ‘Real-Life’ Case Study Flyer here.

How would you like to be involved in an innovative
and unique careers package, engaging and supporting learners within schools & colleges across Lancashire and South Cumbria?

Please visit our careers page.

“I just wanted to drop you an email with some feedback from our 1st year student Jessica Nwachukwum, it’s Jess’s last day today and it has left me very emotional to see her go, we are all in tears here including Jess.
Jess has been our first 1st year student and all I can say is that she has been absolutely amazing, it felt like we had a 3rd year with us, she has very quickly become one of the team and we are all so sad to see her go. She is going to make a fantastic Nurse and I hope she remembers us when she is looking for employment 🙂”

Laura Hodgkinson, Practice Manager, Duke Street Surgery 

You can find all Learner Placements & Tariff information HERE.

*Funding for apprenticeships is not guaranteed for all future intakes, and we confirm available funding when we announce each intake.

For more information on Placements, please contact samantha.jefferies4@nhs.net

What's happening

Workshops and Training

Easy Eyecare Webinar

Hosted by Tom Mackley and David Gleave.  

This is a webinar to demonstrate how people with learning disabilities and autism can access eye care through a service called Easy Eyecare.

Online Practice Assessment Record and Evaluation (PARE) Tool.

Learning Environment Educator Development Workshops

We host monthly Learning Environment Educator Development update training sessions.

Click here for more information

Learning Environment Educator Development Information V6 30.04.24

These sessions are applicable for NMC Assessors and Supervisors, Allied Health Professional Educators, Physician Associates, and General Practitioners who support Pre Registration learners.


"The facilitators allowed open conversation and were able to discuss ""real world"" experiences and challenges from a perspective of having dealt with the issues in practice. Supportive and knowledgeable presenters."

"very good workshop, presenter were friendly and engaging."

Observe GP

Observe GP is an alternative to work experience for aspiring medics aged 16 and over, who are living in the UK. It is a free interactive video platform providing insights into the role of a GP and the wider primary care team.

Pre-Registration Nurse Attrition and Transition Knowledge Portal

The National HEE Team have developed a knowledge portal that provides links to key resources related to student attrition and transition, such as:

  • Cost of Living Good Practice Guide
  • Support for paused and returning students
  • Articles on clinical placement supervision models
  • Equality and diversity resources

The portal is housed via the Future NHS website accessible here

If you have any queries about the portal, please contact attrition.support@hee.nhs.uk

Discovering a Career in General Practice Nursing (CNO 002)

Discovering a Career in General Practice Nursing (CNO 002) is a single module available to nurses or nursing associates, either qualified or in training, who are looking for a real kickstart to their career by providing information and insight into the role of a General Practice Nurse (University of Cumbria).

See flyer here. 
See full details here: Discovering a Nursing Career UoC

What's happening

Resources & Videos

Please find useful updates, information and resources below 

Student Placement Information Webinar

We hosted the Student Placement Information Webinar on the 21st of April. If you missed it, please view the recording below:

The NHS Placement Charter must be visable in all practices, it has information for Students and Practice on. To view/download it click here.

Further Updates

 Jonty Kenward (BTHFT) and Richie Williams (EHU) present a quick video for HEIs and Practice to use to update staff on some of the overall changes made to the Nursing PAD.  

Some Organisations have a playback function disabled so therefore needs to be taken up with their IT department or opened on a device not on the Organisations internet e.g., a separate mobile device with different WiFi.

North West Practice Education Group has been working on the development of an online presence to publicise the work completed and to provide a platform for the core work of the group – sharing best practice and supporting and sharing initiatives to improve quality.

The North West Practice Education Group site has launched with the first of a series of blogs promoting one of the projects which the group secured funding for, that is being led from the University of Salford – the NW educator project which will launch soon. This will provide a central development resource to support our practice partners in developing their skills to support our students… feed in into sustained CPD supported through the online network, this is supported by a YouTube channel which we can utilise to share webinar recordings.

This is a hub for student nurses, midwives and trainee nursing associate (TNA), designed in collaboration with students to help support you in your studies and journey into your healthcare career. Take a look around the hub to find out more about Health Education England (HEE) and what resources are available to help support and advise you.

Click here to visit.


Meet Our Team

Yvonne Thomson

Programme Manager

A Registered General Nurse, who has completed the ILM Coaching qualification with a multi-faceted career spanning over nearly 30 years. Experience has been gained within the Armed Forces and the NHS across secondary care, community, and Primary Care. Strategic and operational leadership, management, education, service development and re design, alongside project management expertise has been achieved throughout my career. Passionate about educational and career development and really enjoys working with people to develop their own skills and knowledge within a coaching and mentoring ethos.

Samantha Jefferies

Project Manager (Placements)

I am the Project Manager for Lancashire & South Cumbria Primary Care Training Hub, for Placements.

Working in partnership with the Five Training Hub Localities;

Providing support to each Locality Training hub, Leads, Operation Managers, General Practice Education Facilitators (GPEFs), Trainee Nursing Associate Practice Education Facilitators (TNA PEFs), and organisation Practice Education Facilitators (PEFs) in expanding clinical placements and ensuring the provisions are of a high-quality multi-professional learning environment across the sectors.