Social Care

E-Learning Opportunities

Please find useful e-learning packages below:

The core course, ‘Clinical Risk Management Training’, comprises seven sessions and one assessment session. The second module, ’Community of Interest’, is an area where people can find knowledge and share good practice.

React To Deterioration has been created by the East Midlands Patient Safety Collaborative (PSC), to be used as a resource pack for care homes. It provides information and training about frailty, Advance Care Planning, ‘soft signs’ of deterioration and ways to improve communication using the SBARD communication tool.

East Midlands PSC would like to thank Adam Gordon, Professor of the Care of Older People at the University of Nottingham, for his contribution and expertise, and to the care homes who provided invaluable input and feedback into developing these resources. Also, the staff and residents from Beech House Care Home, Worksop, Nottinghamshire and in particular; Alan Hickson (Registered Manager) Charlotte Streets (Team Leader) and Megan Steemson (Senior Team Leader) for taking part in the videos.

These films and resources were designed and produced by Crocodile House.

Managing deterioration is one of the priorities of the National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes and is strongly aligned with the NHS Patient Safety Strategy. The Managing Deterioration Safety Improvement Programme is commissioned by NHS England, and delivered in the region by East Midlands Patient Safety Collaborative, part of East Midlands Academic Health Science Network.

Extracts from RESTORE2 and

React To Deterioration : Reactto

RESTORE2mini are reproduced with kind permission. RESTORE2 is trademarked by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board. For more information, visit

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