Social Care
E-Learning Opportunities
Please find useful e-learning packages below:
The core course, ‘Clinical Risk Management Training’, comprises seven sessions and one assessment session. The second module, ’Community of Interest’, is an area where people can find knowledge and share good practice.
This Certified online training program about oxygen, is specifically for people working in care homes and hospices. The course content supports CQC requirements for care home staff to receive training on oxygen as a medicine and its storage, and for fire risk assessments to be in place for every resident on oxygen.
All care home or hospice staff who engage with residents or visitors using oxygen, or who enter areas where oxygen equipment is used or stored, including nurses, healthcare assistants, personal care staff, activity coordinators, cleaning and maintenance employees
- Understand how to store oxygen equipment to protect residents & staff, & building
- Understand who is responsible for aspects of the resident’s oxygen therapy & equipment
- Know who to contact in event of a problem or concern
- Be able to identify risks of oxygen relating to the resident’s care & activities including
- Personal care
- Bedroom layout & cleaning
- Receiving visitors or trips out
Note: this course is not about how to prescribe or identify clinical need for oxygen therapy.
- You will be sent an Individual log-in, where you can access the course 24/7
- You will be able to stop/resume the training at any pointThere are extra resource available upon completionYou can track your progress by module
- You will receive a end-of-course assessment
- You will also receive a certified completion
- Individual log-in
- Convenient 24/7 access, where you can stop/resume at any point
- Extra resource available upon completion
- Trackable progress by module
- End-of-course assessment
- Certified completion
You can click on the e-learning and video guides below:
- THINK DELIRIUM e-learning
- West Yorkshire & Harrogate Partnership produced some free awareness raising materials and e-Learning.
- Film 3 – Grace = A scenario set in a care home. Grace (elderly lady) is in a care home and over the last 2 weeks she has been falling frequently. She frequently appears to be talking to herself, sometimes loudly, but it is hard to understand what she is saying.
- Film 4 – Eric = A scenario in a domiciliary care setting. Eric (older man, mild dementia) lives alone in a sheltered flat and his domiciliary carer, who knows him well, arrives for his morning visit to help get him up, washed and dressed and to have his breakfast.
The UCLPartners End of Life Care Team has created an innovative educational resource called What’s Best for Lily, designed specifically for care home staff, supporting them to deliver excellent care for residents (including those with dementia) at the end of life:
- Compassionate care of a resident with dementia and those important to the resident
- Communication and documentation of wishes/recommendations on what to do should the resident deteriorate
- The importance of using this documentation in a situation when the resident deteriorates, to avoid a hospital admission
- Recognition that a resident with dementia is reaching the last days of life
- Communication with the resident, those important to the resident, and other staff in the last days of life
- Compassionate care in the last days of life
These resources include an educational film, a lesson planning guide and a facilitator pack.
What’s best for Lily? End of life training for care home staff – UCLPartners
Free online training called “Freda’s fall” on: e-LfH Hub
Make a real difference – become a RoSPA Fall Fighter – Read more
This is an e-learning programme split into 3 tiers (1, 2a &2b) for general public, health and social care professionals respectively that is compliant with the skills for health ‘Frailty core capabiities framework’. This programme offers promotion of a common language across all sectors to support embedding enhanced clinical skills and competencies in an existing workforce. This programme endorses the prerequisite to personalise care to meet the needs of individuals living with varying degrees of frailty to support improved health outcomes.
During 2020/21, work on frailty screening resources continued and a best practice screening for social care toolkit has been developed in conjunction with Hampshire County Council
Health Education England e-learning programme (eLfH)
You can access the elearning sessions free of charge even if you do not work for an NHS organisation and / or do not have an NHS email address. You will need to register with the elfh Hub at https://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/Register and complete all the registration fields. Enter your email address and confirm. On the following screen, ‘Registration/About you’ select ‘None of the above apply to me’ and press CONTINUE. On the next screen, ‘Registration details’, if you cannot find your job role in the choices under Your Current Role, Job Role (Staff Group), please type “other” into the box and select that option. If you cannot find your place of work within the list, please select “Unknown location”.
All resources are freely available to colleagues working in the NHS, independent sector, and social care. The full catalogue of over 100 e-learning materials including topics such as:
MCA Medications, dementia, preventing falls, end of life care, improving mouth care, care certificate, hydration, management and leadership skills, continence, safeguarding and more!
Skills for Care
Skills for Care have e-learning resources, guides and a wealth of information regarding the learning and development of your staff, to look at the resources available here.
Social Care Institute for Excellence
Social Care Institute for Excellence has online latest information and training for social care staff, sorted by topic.
Use the tabs in this section to view some of the e-learning offers currently available!
An e-learning programme has been developed to increase knowledge and confidence in assessing an older person’s hydration needs and minimise the risk of poor hydration in a person-centred way.
Aimed at any person working with older people in the community, including care home staff, home carers, family carers and volunteers, the e-learning builds on the information and skills you may have already learnt and implemented from the Care Certificate.
The hydration e-learning programme is part of the Hydration at Home toolkit which includes resources for the general public, including a hydration leaflet and poster.
Accessing the e-Learning
For more information about the e-learning resource, including access details, please visit e-lfh.
E learning is available from the NHS Learning Hub which can be accessed by anyone working in the care sector
The link to access the training can be found here and this is free
How to use NHS Learning Hub v1.0
Medicines Management ASC NHS Learning Hub v1.0
Carers UK has teamed up with Nutricia to develop this e-learning course, which aims to help carers understand the role of nutrition both for yourselves and for the person you’re looking after.
React to Red is a resource to support the prevention of pressure ulcers in care homes and in the community.
This module is a complete resource with a training pack and video guide regarding pressure ulcers, it will take approximately 50-60 minutes to complete.
This e-learning package has been adapted from the React to Red Pressure Ulcer Prevention Training Pack developed by Nottinghamshire Health Care NHS Foundation Trust and originally funded by Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group.
The Skills for care registered manager webinars cover a range of topics to support managers and their services and have been developed since the start of the pandemic.
They are delivered to a live audience and recorded for further viewing which you can watch below. They are 30-minutes long and some of the webinars are also supported with bite size resources.
Webinars cover the following 7 categories:
① Training ⑤ Wellbeing
② HR ⑥ Technology
③ Recruitment ⑦ End of life
④ Leading your service
Lancashire’s Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB) have a series of virtual classroom courses. Click this link to book all Lancashire, Blackpool and Blackburn with Darwen Virtual Training.
For Blackpool Safeguarding please visit the Blackpool website.
For Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board please visit the Cumbria website.
Lancashire Safeguarding Adults Board adopted the 7 Minute Briefing as a method of training which is an effective way of learning and sharing information across a range of services.
This programme is freely available to all volunteers and includes elearning resources for volunteers that have been designed by volunteers. The programme supports completion of the National Volunteer Certificate (NVC) and also links to wider learning via the National Learning Hub for Volunteering.
The six core standards include content that all volunteers are encouraged to achieve when starting as a volunteer:
The standards are:
React To Deterioration has been created by the East Midlands Patient Safety Collaborative (PSC), to be used as a resource pack for care homes. It provides information and training about frailty, Advance Care Planning, ‘soft signs’ of deterioration and ways to improve communication using the SBARD communication tool.
East Midlands PSC would like to thank Adam Gordon, Professor of the Care of Older People at the University of Nottingham, for his contribution and expertise, and to the care homes who provided invaluable input and feedback into developing these resources. Also, the staff and residents from Beech House Care Home, Worksop, Nottinghamshire and in particular; Alan Hickson (Registered Manager) Charlotte Streets (Team Leader) and Megan Steemson (Senior Team Leader) for taking part in the videos.
These films and resources were designed and produced by Crocodile House.
Managing deterioration is one of the priorities of the National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes and is strongly aligned with the NHS Patient Safety Strategy. The Managing Deterioration Safety Improvement Programme is commissioned by NHS England, and delivered in the region by East Midlands Patient Safety Collaborative, part of East Midlands Academic Health Science Network.
Extracts from RESTORE2 and
React To Deterioration : Reactto
RESTORE2mini are reproduced with kind permission. RESTORE2 is trademarked by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board. For more information, visit https://www.hantsiowhealthandcare.org.uk/your-health/schemes-and-projects/restore2
React To Quality Improvement : Reactto
Funded by The Health Foundation’s Supporting Local Learning programme, The East Midlands Academic Health Science Network have worked with care homes across the region to design and develop a this series of films and resources about Quality Improvement and the benefits it can bring to care homes. These films and resources aim to empower care home staff to improve care quality through accessible tools, designed for use in the care home setting.
The script for these films and resources has been written by care home staff, a big thank you to Jane Borland from Rathgar Residential Care Home Northampton, Tara Spencer and Mandy Jones from Church Farm Care Nottingham and Jack Titterton from Monarch Healthcare East Midlands.
The script was also written and narrated by Natalie Riley – East Midlands Academic Health Science Network.
React To Home Rounds : Reactto
React To Home Rounds provides training and information about the home round and wider multi-disciplinary team (MDT) processes in line with Enhanced Health in Care Homes Framework guidance.
It gives best practice guidance around what ‘good’ looks like for care home and healthcare MDT working. Finally, it offers practical resources and process around how to identify if a resident is unwell as well as an escalation framework to support access to the right service at the right time.
React To Frailty has been designed by the Nottingham & Nottinghamshire ICS Frailty Group for all health and social care colleagues across the ICS. React To Frailty has been designed as a resource pack with two accompanying videos which explain how to use the Clinical Frailty Scale to identify different levels of frailty, and to improve awareness and understanding of what frailty means and how it can be managed.These films and resources were designed and produced by Crocodile House.
React To Falls : Training resources for care home staff
React To Falls resources have been developed by Professor Pip Logan, Dr Jane Horne, Dr Katie Robinson, Katherine Jones, Jane Balmbra and Kate Robertson in collaboration with clinical colleagues at
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Crocodile House Ltd. The work has been supported by the University of Nottingham Division of Rehabilitation, Ageing and Wellbeing, the
Academic Health Science Network East Midlands and funded by NHS Improvement. Previous research conducted by Professor Pip Logan at the University of Nottingham was used to provide
the basis for the development of these resources.
React To Moisture : Training resources for care home staff
Through the success of React To Red it was evident that a resource focussing on moisture damage (commonly linked to pressure damage) was required and so React To Moisture has been developed with funding from the East Midlands Patient Safety Collaborative. It was written by Nottinghamshire Healthcare Tissue Viability Team, reviewed by the Specialist Continence Team
and produced by Crocodile House.
React To Infection : Training resources for care home staff
React To Infection is divided into two sets of resources which explain how to identify, prevent and manage Influenza and Norovirus. These resources were reproduced from the resources within the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual with permission from Health Protection Scotland, March 2019. This was on behalf of NHS Improvement. These films and resources were designed and produced by Crocodile House.
Malnutrition and Dehydration : Reactto
The React To Malnutrition and Dehydration resources were written by Doncaster and Bassetlaw Dietetic Team. The nutritional care plans in these resources have been developed and trialled by Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber Dietetic Service. These films and resources were designed and produced by Crocodile House.
This React to Dementia resource has been developed as part of the work of the Integrated Care Home Group set up by Claire Poole (Optimum Workforce Leadership, Nottingham County Council), Donna Nussey (Head of Quality and Improvement, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System), Anita Astle MBE (Owner/Manager, Wren Hall Nursing Home), Gemma Shelton (Quality and Market Management Team, Nottingham County Council and Ros Heath (Owner / Manager, Landermeads).
The remit of the group is to implement the Enhanced Health in Care Homes initiative and this resource was funded by NHS England and NHS Improvement.
The content of the workbook has been written by Ros Heath and was designed by Crocodile House. The film was produced by Ian Donaghy.
React To Feet : Training resources for care home staff
React To Feet introduces some simple ‘steps’ to help keep your residents feet happier and
healthier. It was written by Sarah Pankhurst – Head of Tissue Viability and Clinical Nurse Specialist
at City Care, Lisa Metcalf – Advanced Diabetes Podiatrist at Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS
Foundation Trust and produced by Crocodile House.
Wessex Patient Safety Collaborative have recorded training sessions for RESTORE2 and RESTORE2mini which can be delivered virtually to support the implementation of these tools in your care setting. The video presentations can be viewed on the Wessex AHSN YouTube channel at:
• Restore 2 mini Training video
• RESTORE2™ official :: NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight (icb.nhs.uk)
• Restore 2 Presentation Slides from Training WebinarVital Signs Presentation
LSC Social Care Training Hub have created a webinar to guide adult social care staff through taking observations for residents in your care
· Observations Video Link