To book a place on a training session, please click on your chosen event and register through the link provided.

Please note, these events are for staff employed within the Lancashire and South Cumbria healthcare system only.

Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

1 event,

Mental Health Awareness for Primary Care

2 events,


Learning Environment Educator Development and Update Workshops

1 event,

2 events,


Wider Workforce Clinical Supervision Course – Day 2

1 event,

1 event,

2 events,


Wider Workforce Clinical Supervisor Course – Day 1

3 events,


Mental Health Drop-In Sessions (Via MS Teams):


Mental Health Drop-In Sessions (Via MS Teams):

2 events,


Mental Health Awareness for Primary Care

2 events,


Learning Environment Educator Development and Update Workshops