
You will find below useful Portals and Platforms available and free to all Primary Care staff. We also keep this page updated with newly released programmes. 

Please note, not all programmes are listed here, you can find them on the retrospective portals.

What's available

Portals & Platforms

Bitesize Learning

Develop new skills and discover new ways to improve your experience of work with short guides developed by experts. 
Open to anyone in health and care.

Topics include:

  • Authentic leadership
  • Motivation
  • Courageous conversations
  • 10 minute pause spaces
  • Resources for balancing homeschooling and working
  • Maintain routines
  • Remote working guide
  • Team and personal resilience

Digital Learning Platform

HEE’s digital platform provides easy access to a wide range of resources that are pertinent to education and training in health and care.  

The resources shared on the platform play a pivotal role in its success, in its vision for collaboration and supporting learners. 

Many of the resources are in response to the COVID-19 efforts to support the health and care workforce.  These resources include videos, webinars, slide presentations, Q&A packs, simulation scripts, lesson plans and web links to support system readiness, recovery, and beyond.


Elearning for Healthcare (e-lfh)

eLfh’s programmes are developed in partnership with the NHS, 3rd sector and professional bodies and can be accessed for free, 24/7 by health and care professionals.
How e-learning is being used
In 2020 there were 22million session launches on the e-Learning for Healthcare Hub.
The online training sessions enhance traditional learning, support existing teaching methods and provide a valuable reference point.

NHS Futures

Join NWLAs online community of staff working across health and social care.

The North West Primary Care Networks workspace is for all staff working as part of a primary care network in the North West region. It supports the success and growth of primary care networks, through mutual support, sharing of best practice and problem solving.

NW Multi-Professional Educator Framework

This framework is a set of multi-professional resources developed in
collaboration with practice and HEI colleagues via a
steering group, with the purpose of
being the go-to resource for educator
preparation which is free and easy to
access via the below digital platform.

What's happening

New e-lfh Programmes

Administrative triage (sorting and signposting) is a critical process to help practices realise the benefits of online consultation tools and involves supporting general practice administrative staff to design their practice workflow in sorting, signposting and delivering administrative triage with the aim of supporting an inclusive approach to managing demand and workload.

These elearning sessions will help support general practice staff to:

  • introduce administrative triage and understand the evidence behind using an online consultation system to support patient requests
  • design a practice workflow and set up a triage list
  • promote the service to patients and understand some of the considerations for the practice team when working remotely
  • confidently take patients, or their nominated carer, through an online consultation request over the telephone or in person
  • sort patient requests and signpost to the right place, service, or clinician for clinical triage

Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) has recently added additional learning pathways for nurses, midwives and AHPs to an e-learning programme designed to help the health and care workforce respond to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The programme entitled ‘Resources for Nurses, Midwives and AHPs Returning to work, being Redeployed or Up-Skilled’ now has a dedicated link and includes specific learning pathways for the following groups:

• Registered nurses and AHPs deployed from a different clinical specialty
• Returning nurses
• Newly registered nurses and AHPs, or students opting into a revised programme structure
• Internationally trained nurses awaiting UK registration
• Independent sector nurses supporting the NHS
• Returning midwives
• Physical skills for nurses and AHPs working in mental health, learning disability and autism

This session is for frontline and admin staff in health and social care who are responsible for sharing confidential information as part of their jobs.

This session will help you to understand the principles behind information sharing and how to apply them in practice.

It will ask when and how you would share information in a wide range of practical scenarios featuring GPs, nurses, care home managers, midwives, practice managers, admin staff and other colleagues. 

Information Sharing – elearning for healthcare (

Training courses for healthcare and non-healthcare professionals, including GPs and practice nurses, who care for children and young people with asthma, are now available.

Currently, the UK has some of highest death rates in Europe for childhood asthma and outcomes are worse for those living in the most deprived areas. We are committed to improving outcomes for children and published the national bundle of care for children and young people with asthma to support asthma care.

The training is divided into four tiers – each describes the level of care a professional is expected to deliver. This training provides a clear structure for both health and non-healthcare professionals to understand what knowledge they need and where to access training.

HEE NW Nursing & Midwifery team have worked with the NW Congenital Heart Disease Network, UK CHD network stakeholders and HEE’s e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH)  to develop a new e learning programme – Congenital Heart Disease

The programme provides a basic but essential overview of this condition and highlights the advances in paediatric care that have resulted in increasing numbers of patients surviving into adult life.

For more information about the programme visit the  e-LfH website.

E-learning for Health is an HEE online e-learning tool, within which you can find a COVID-19 training pack. The programme is available to all NHS staff without registration, although registration does provide the staff member with a learning record. The resource provides among others the latest guidance as it is updated daily. There are also additional mandatory training resources available for registered staff members.

The COVID-19 programme is also available to international learners here.

An e-Learning programme to support personalised assessment and diagnosis of dementia is now available.

Assessment and Diagnosis of Dementia: A personalised approach has been developed to support colleagues involved in assessment and diagnosis of dementia to deliver a flexible, person centred service.

The course has been developed in partnership with NHSE/I’s Dementia and Older People’s Mental Health Policy team. 20 sessions within the course cover a range of topics including cognitive assessment, consent and coercion and post diagnosis assessment.

It takes the learner through the process of delivering safe, personalised assessments. This includes face-to-face, telephone and video methods and it identifies good practice at each stage.

For more information and to access the module, please visit the Remote Assessment and Diagnosis of Dementia: A personalised approach programme page.

Eating disorders are common and Anorexia Nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness.

This programme is designed to ensure that health and care staff are trained to understand, identify and respond appropriately when faced with a patient with a possible eating disorder. It is the result of collaboration between eating disorder charity Beat and Health Education England with key partners.

The suite of training has been developed and tailored for specific staff groups supporting patients and service users with eating disorders. 

This is the 1st of 2 sessions which aim to equip clinicians with the knowledge and skills needed to be able to identify and assess eating disorders. It includes information on providing medical assessment and treatment, referrals and referral pathways to specialist services and the psychological impact of eating disorders on patients, their families and carers.

HEE elfh Hub (

In this elearning programme, Health and Wellbeing champions can expect to learn more about the role of a champion and how to implement what they learn across their organisations.

The elearning programme includes 1 session in 7 sections.

  • Introduction
  • What is a Health and Wellbeing Champion?
  • Who can be a Health and Wellbeing Champion?
  • What will be expected of me as a Health and Wellbeing Champion?
  • What might I be asked to do as a Health and Wellbeing Champion?
  • How to communicate the role of Health and Wellbeing Champions in your organisation
  • As a Health and Wellbeing Champion, how can I access support if I need it?

The session takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and includes knowledge checks, which aim to explore your understanding of the content. Champions can download a certificate after completing the session.

Health and Wellbeing champions – elearning for healthcare (

A new training programme has been made available for senior healthcare professionals who care for people with a learning disability, including:

  • General Practitioners (GPs) or GP registrars (ST3)
  • Psychiatrists or psychiatry registrars (ST5-6)
  • General medicine consultants or registrars (ST5-7)
  • Registered Nurses – Band 6 or 7 upwards (depending on the role)
  • Allied Health Professionals – Band 6 or 7 upwards (depending on the role)

Funded by Health Education England and created by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) and Edge Hill University, the training is designed to help services meet the medical needs of adults with a learning disability and enable practitioners to provide high-quality and person-centred care. 

The training programme involves experts by experience and consists of two modules. Those who take part in the course are expected to complete both modules, which will result in a postgraduate certificate. The second of the two modules is under development but will be available in the autumn of 2023.

For more information on the course content and other details, visit the RCP webpage or email

Health Education England has worked with NHS England and NHS Improvement to develop a catalogue of learning resources on the NHS Learning Hub for primary care professionals to deliver annual checks for people with severe mental illness (SMI). These resources include a free 15-minute e-learning module that explores good practice and the morbidity and mortality issues associated with SMI. 

Improving access to physical health checks is highlighted in the NHS Long Term Plan and the aim is to carry out 390,000 checks for people with SMI by 2023/24. For 2021/22, the target is for 302,000 people with SMI to receive a physical health check. See the catalogue below:

Physical health checks for SMI catalogue

Long COVID and post-COVID syndrome is an emerging condition and one about which we are continuing to learn more. Originally a single session providing an introduction to this condition, Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) in partnership with Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust have developed further resources for clinicians. These are especially for those who have contact with long COVID patients, but are not working in a Specialist Post-COVID Assessment and Treatment Service.

The programme includes 3 sessions:

  • Session 1: Introduction to Long COVID and Post-COVID Syndrome
  • Session 2: Living with Long COVID
  • Session 3: Managing Symptoms of Long COVID

Long COVID – elearning for healthcare (

The programme has been developed to support the delivery of NHS Health Checks, available for people aged 40 to 74 years in England, without pre-existing cardiovascular disease.

The videos provide introductory knowledge about the NHS Health Check, which compliments locally commissioned training.

In addition, a new NHS Health Check training hub has been added to the programme, which offers learners an interactive townscape.

By exploring the townscape, learners are directed to a variety of external resources, which are relevant to the NHS Health Check.

Find more about the resources on the NHS Health Check elearning programme page.

This e-Learning for Healthcare package contains training materials to support student nurses undertaking a general practice placement. The training here is intended to equip you with the basics and get you started and complement the training you will receive in local practice. Once you have completed the ‘Essential Learning’, we recommend that you refer to the ‘Additional Learning’ where appropriate.

MindEd Blue Light (free educational resource for mental health support) modules are available in the Paramedics eLearning programme.

The resource aims to enhance the physical and mental wellbeing of emergency responders, who experience stress and trauma as a result of their jobs. For more information and to register, please visit the Paramedics eLfh programme page.  

Paramedics may also be interested in the Essentials of Wound Care Education for the Health and Care Workforce. For more information, read about the elearning programme.  

The session describes the meaning of vulnerabilities, risk factors and trauma informed practice which seeks to address the barriers that those affected by trauma can experience when accessing care and services.

Vulnerabilities and Trauma-informed Practice

An eLearning programme on virtual wards, to support doctors, nurses and allied professionals in the use of technology to provide safe, acute-level care to patients at home. This supports the NHS’s ambition in the 2022/23 NHS planning guidance to increase the number of virtual wards across England.

The elearning is for clinicians to gain an understanding of implementing and running a virtual ward enabled by technology. It should be used alongside organisations’ own local policies. Complete the programme on HEE’s elearning for healthcare platform in around 30 minutes.

If you have any questions about virtual wards more broadly, contact

This elearning programme was developed by HEE elfh in partnership with the National Wound Care Strategy Programme and Health Education England.

The programme aims to provide the knowledge and skills needed to enable appropriate wound care to people in any health and care setting 

What’s new? 

There are 3 new tier 2 elearning modules available, on the topics listed below: 

  • Dressing Wounds 
  • The Foot at Risk 
  • Choosing the Right Compression Therapy  

Visit the National Wound Care Strategy website for more information about the programme.    

Training courses for healthcare and non-healthcare professionals, including GPs and practice nurses, who care for children and young people with asthma, are now available. Currently, the UK has some of highest death rates in Europe for childhood asthma and outcomes are worse for those living in the most deprived areas. 


NHSE have published the national bundle of care for children and young people with asthma to support asthma care. The training is divided into four tiers – each describes the level of care a professional is expected to deliver. This training provides a clear structure for both health and non-healthcare professionals to understand what knowledge they need and where to access training.

Further Updates & Resources

Every Nurse an eNurse (RCN)

The Royal College of Nursing’s “Every Nurse an eNurse” initiative has helped define the skills, knowledge and training to help nursing staff exploit new digital and data technologies for better care. Designed with leading experts from our eHealth forum, our online learning is a two-part introduction to the ways technologies are changing health and social care.

This resource is free for everyone to access, however, if you are not an RCN member, you will need to sign up as a registered user.

If you have already signed up for the programme, you can access it on the RCN Professional Services page (and bookmark this page for future use).

NHS Knowledge and Library Hub

For free, secure access to a range of high-quality digital resources from the extensive, NHS-funded collection including e-books, journals, study aids, databases of clinical management and social policy information and more you will need an OpenAthens account. See our NHS Knowledge and Library Hub page for more information and to register for a free account.

Systems Go (free 3-week course)

The health and social care system is currently facing exceptional workforce and financial challenges, requiring adaptable leaders who can work across boundaries, navigate complexities and drive positive change. That’s why The Kings Fund created Systems Go!, a free three-week course where you will learn how to: understand the current and future issues facing health and social care, such as ageing, health inequalities, and digital transformation collaborate across boundaries with different stakeholders, such as service users, carers, professionals and managers innovate and lead change within your organisation and community, using evidence-based approaches and creative methods. Find out more here

Paediatric Palliative Care Education Project eLearning Modules

This training is suitable for Health and Social care professionals, volunteers and students who care for babies, children and young people receiving palliative and end-of-life care in all areas. See the below flyer with a QR code to follow.

Preparing for your Future as a Nurse

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