£1.5M Funding available to support up to 100 TAPPS in Primary Care (March 2023- March 2024)
Please see the toggles below to advise you of an exciting opportunity to fund Trainee Associate Psychological Practitioners (TAPPs) within your organisation.
HEE have received £1.5 million funding to support TAPP cohort 3. £15,000 will be made available to fund each TAPP, to cover the academic costs, supervision and placement support, meaning that up to 100 TAPP placements will be funded.
The deadline is fast approaching for you to submit your expressions of interest form. Please complete the EoI form (Toggle below) by no later than Friday 21st October 2022.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss an EOI with a member of the team, please contact ruth.gough@lscft.nhs.uk (TAPP team admin support) to arrange a meeting to discuss.
Further to the below email, we are contacting you about an extension to the EOI deadline date for Trainee Associate Psychological Practitioners (TAPPs).
Thank-you for the responses we have received to date, we will be following these up over the coming weeks. There has been a good response, but we do still have room to support more TAPPs for cohort 3, so we will be extending the deadline following the summer period.
Extension deadline
To allow adequate time for further EOIs, the new deadline is Friday 21st October 2022.
EOI’s in scope
We would like to receive a broad spread of EOI’s for TAPPs working with patients at a step 1 and step 2 level, in relation to mental health need. Within a stepped care model, the added value TAPPs bring can be applied across a range of care pathways.
This means that TAPPs can work in a variety of services, locations and teams, as long as the mental health intervention they provide is within their training remit (i.e., at step 1 and/or step 2). Examples include:
Primary care: Primary Care Networks (PCNs)/ General Practice/ Community Settings (for example)
Mental health & Learning Disabilities Trusts: Living Well Services/ Older Adult Services/ Community Learning disability Services (for example)
Hospital & Community Settings: Stroke/ Neuro/ Pain Management/ Sexual Health/ Cancer (for example)
If you would like to discuss an EOI with a member of the team, please contact ruth.gough@lscft.nhs.uk (TAPP team admin support) to arrange a meeting to discuss.
As you may be aware The Innovation Agency (North West Coast Academic Health Science Network) has been leading a project to improve workforce supply in psychological professions, which has been funded by Health Education England (HEE). The project has included a ‘test of concept’ to introduce a graduate entry role into the NHS for psychology graduates, known as a Trainee Associate Psychological Practitioner (TAPP/APP). A Post Graduate Diploma Associate Psychological Practitioner (PGDip APP) has been developed and delivered by the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). Two cohorts have been funded by HEE, with cohort 1 successfully graduating as APPs in January 2022. A full clinical and service evaluation demonstrated positive impacts for patients, staff and services. The second cohort commenced in March 2022 and a comprehensive evaluation is also underway. Salaries are funded by the employing organisation with HEE covering the academic programme and supervision and support costs. Employers include mental health and learning disability trusts, physical healthcare Trusts and Primary Care Networks (PCNs).
HEE has recently announced their intention to provide a further £1.6 M to support a third TAPP cohort, of which £1.5 M is available to directly fund TAPPs. It has been agreed that for cohort 3, the course will be delivered at post graduate certificate level (PGCert APP) as this aligns better to other national role developments. The British Psychological Society (BPS) has also agreed to work with the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) to accredit the course and, as such, will focus upon the primary care pathway (including primary care level interventions, delivered in different service settings) for this test of concept, reflecting the high levels of demand for the role.
It is proposed that the funding will be made available to support TAPP roles delivering psychological work at steps 1 and 2 across a range of care pathways, to divide equally amongst the three Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) in the North West Region. £15 K will be made available for each TAPP, to cover the academic costs, supervision and placement support, meaning that up to 100 TAPP placements will be funded.
NHSEI has recently published an FAQ document regarding the Primary Care Mental Health Practitioner role, which is eligible for reimbursement as part of The Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS). T/APPs are now working into ARRS designated roles across the North West. It includes the following excerpt- ‘local partners may wish to explore other types of roles that fulfil the same criteria. In addition, certain non-registered psychological professions roles (including those on voluntary and accredited registers) may be included when under the direct supervision of a registered psychological professional’. This means that employers may be able to get the salary costs of a TAPP covered under ARRS.
At this stage we are inviting Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from a range of settings within scope across the three ICS footprints in the North West. Please see the below additional information regarding roles, employment and supervision arrangements. It is essential that employers are able to support the band 4 salary costs for the duration of the TAPP training and have a substantive band 5 role available upon qualification. The course will be delivered by UCLan and will commence in March 2023 for a 12 month duration.
As it is likely that demand for the TAPPs may outstrip availability, a prioritisation process will be coordinated by the project team. It is anticipated that recruitment will be undertaken throughout October to December 2022 and the project team will help support and coordinate this process. We require that TAPPs will be employed by March 2023 to allow local induction, prior to commencement of the course in March.
In addition, if you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact Debbie Nixon (Project Director) dnixon694@btinternet.com and, or Dr Miranda Budd at Miranda.budd@lscft.nhs.uk (Clinical Lead) should you have any questions or if you would like to discuss any of the above information further.
What are (T)APPs? (T)APPs are (Trainee) Associate Psychological Practitioners. (T)APPs are a new workforce supply of Mental Health Practitioners (MHPs). They are psychology graduates, working towards completing a postgraduate certificate (PGcertAPP) at The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). |
Curriculum Summary/ Core Competencies The TAPPs work in clinical settings 4 days a week. They are trained in seven core competency areas: 1) Communication & relationships; 2) Patient care; 3) Analytical & clinical judgemental skills; 4) Strategic planning & organisation; 5) Policy & service development; 6) Information resource governance and 7) Research, development & service evaluation. |
What support will the T/APP need? Clinical Supervision The TAPPs require one hour of weekly clinical supervision with an accredited psychological professional (e.g., a CBT therapist, Clinical Psychologist). HEE provide £5000 support costs to cover this supervision requirement. As a service, you may wish to source your own clinical supervisor.
Various models of Psychological Clinical Supervisors are being set-up across the different ICS areas and we would recommend that you link with your local Mental Health & LD trust/ Mental health department to discuss these options. Within LSCFT we are establishing a Supervision Hub. So if you would like to ‘source’ a supervisor this is something we can help with. This supervision hub is being set-up as we recognise the challenges some services would have in providing this supervision.
In-service mentor We strongly recommend that TAPPs are allocated an in-service/ team mentor to help them settle in. The mentor doesn’t have to be a clinical staff member, but someone who will support the TAPP during their induction and help to set up their working timetable. For this support, HEE provide an additional £5000 support envelope.
As a service, you can choose to be involved in/ lead on the recruitment process if you wish. |
*Definition of step 1 and step 2 levels in mental health care:
Step 1= Mild mental health symptoms, step 2= Mild to moderate mental health symptoms. Step 3= Moderate to severe and would require longer term support
Expression of interest form for TAPPs
Please return completed expressions of interest to dnixon694@btinternet.com and Miranda.budd@lscft.nhs.uk by no later than Friday 21st October 2022.
What's happening
TAPPs News & Events
The Innovation Agency (NW Coast Academic Health Science Network) has been leading a project to improve workforce supply in psychological professions, which has been funded by HEE. The project has included a ‘test of concept’ to introduce a graduate entry role into the NHS for psychology graduates, known as a Trainee Associate Psychological Practitioner (TAPP/APP). A Post Graduate Diploma Assistant Psychological Practitioner (PGDip APP) has been developed and delivered by the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan).
Two cohorts have been funded by HEE, with cohort 1 successfully graduating as APPs in January 2022. A full clinical and service evaluation demonstrated positive impacts for patients, staff and services. The second cohort commenced in March 2022 and a comprehensive evaluation is also underway. Salaries are funded by the employing organisation with HEE covering the academic programme and supervision and support costs. Employers include mental health, acute trusts and primary care networks (PCNs).
HEE has recently announced their intention to provide a further £1.6 M to support a third TAPP cohort of which £1.5 M is available to directly fund TAPPs (Final Business Case Tapps Cohort 3). It has been agreed that for cohort 3, the course will be delivered at post graduate certificate level (PGCert APP) as this aligns better to other national role developments. The British Psychological Society (BPS) has also agreed to work with UCLan to accredit the course and, as such, will focus upon the primary care pathway for this test of concept, reflecting the high levels of demand for the role.
It is proposed that the funding will be made available to support TAPP roles in Primary Care settings/ PCNs, to divide equally amongst the three Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) in the North West Region. £15 K will be made available for each TAPP, to cover the academic costs, supervision and placement support in PCNs, meaning that up to 100 TAPP placements in Primary Care will be funded. NHSEI has recently published an FAQ document regarding the Primary Care Mental Health Practitioner role, which is eligible for reimbursement as part of The Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS). It includes the following excerpt- ‘local partners may wish to explore other types of roles that fulfil the same criteria. In addition, certain non-registered psychological professions roles (including those on voluntary and accredited registers) may be included when under the direct supervision of a registered psychological professional’. T/APPs are now working into ARRs designated roles across the North West.
Innovation Agency North West Coast will be hosting 3 webinars for those who want to learn more/ have the opportunity to ask questions:
- Thurs, 4th August (12:00-13:00)
MS Teams link: Click here to join the meeting - Wed, 17th August (12:00-13:00)
MS Teams link: Click here to join the meeting - Fri, 2nd September (12:00-13:00)
MS Teams link: Click here to join the meeting
All webinars will contain the same information.
The same webinar is being put on at different time points to account for annual leave over the summer period/ increase the chance interested parties can attend.
What's happening
Resources & Videos
Psychological Professions Workforce Plan
HEE has published the Psychological Professions Workforce Plan for England that seeks to support local systems to meet the requirement to deliver growth in the psychological professions workforce by over 60 percent and make use of the diverse roles available to deliver services, as set out in the NHS Long Term Plan. HEE and NHSE/I are now working with partners locally, regionally and nationally to make this a reality and this plan will facilitate the required actions by all stakeholders.
Boost for mental health support at GP practices in Lancashire and South Cumbria (Lancaster Guardian)
Residents in Lancashire and South Cumbria have access to more help from their GP practice thanks to an expansion in specialist staff.
Recognition of the T/APP work in Lancashire and South Cumbria PCNs.
See the good news story below:
Associate Psychological Practitioners (APPs) in Primary
Care – Modelling the Impact
This case study outlines the approach followed and the findings of a project to model
the impact of introducing the role of Associate Psychological Practitioner into Primary
For more information please see the below PowerPoint presentation