ST3 Programme
ST3 Teaching is a full day release which takes place on Wednesdays during term time at Westmorland General Hospital, Kendal.
For details of the ST3 Day release training programme, contact Helen.Gardner@mbht.nhs.uk
Teaching Programme
Primary Care Medical Educators: Dr Emma Jones & Dr Gavin Torr
Administration: Helen Gardner, GP Speciality Training Administrator, Education Centre, Westmorland General Hospital. Helen.Gardner@mbht.nhs.uk
For details of the ST3 Day release training programme, contact Helen Gardner.
Teaching is delivered during term time on Wednesday’s from 09:30 – 16:00. Please see timetable for dates.
In ST3 we join the Barrow and Lancaster groups and meet in Kendal for a full days teaching on a Wednesday.
The year begins with a 2 day induction program at The Grange Hotel in Grange-over-Sands. This gives you the chance to plan and prepare the busy year ahead of you.
We then meet weekly in Kendal at the education centre at Westmorland General Hospital. We take advantage of the full day’s teaching to provide a varied and interactive program over the ST3 year.
Teaching focus is initially on consultation skills and develops to cover a wide range of topics to prepare you for your career as a GP. We run sessions with CSA examiners in the run up to the exam as well as a CSA Practice Exam. The course timetable will give a flavour of the broad range of clinical and non-clinical topics delivered shaped by trainee feedback. We aim to cover the mandatory requirements for revalidation such as child and adult safeguarding and Basic Life Support as well as to give you some insight into practice management and leadership. We run a leadership skills day in Coniston each year which is consistently highly rated. We leave some space for flexibility to address areas of particular interest to an ST3 group.
We run 8 study days where all 3 years (ST1/ST2/ST3) attend covering Statistics, Palliative Care, MSK and Ethics, as well as sessions on Women’s and Men’s health, Ophthalmology, Genetics, Mental Health and Dermatology. These study days vary from year to year on a 2 year rolling program. The program is shaped and changed annually based on trainee feedback.
Course Information
Date | Topic | Venue |
Body Cell | Body Cell | Body Cell |
"Having recently completed ST-2, I've found the quality of information and tutoring to be of the highest standard"
"Having served in the NHS as a nurse for the past eight years I decided to further my medical career. Having moved to Morecambe I can say there are plenty of opportunities for learning, skill development and career progression."