Contact Info

Dawn Werra
Social Care Project Lead
Social Care
Apprenticeships are designed to help individuals develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career and employers to build a workforce with future ready skills.
An apprenticeship is a job with training. Through an apprenticeship, an apprentice will gain the technical knowledge, practical experience and wider skills and behaviours that they need for their immediate job and future career.
Apprenticeships can be used for current staff development and to recruit and develop a new employee.
This page has been designed to support you in finding all the information you need to know to navigate through the apprenticeship journey.
If you have further queries or questions please contact Lancashire and South Cumbria Social Care Apprenticeship Team on 07796 060023 or mbpcc.lscsocialcare@nhs.net
Grow Your Own!
Employers across the UK often struggle to recruit skilled, experienced staff or retain staff and the reasons vary across different areas. One of the most effective ways that employers can combat skill shortages and win the war for talent is by ‘growing their own’.
By having an apprenticeships scheme in place will help bridge the skill gaps and provide opportunities to develop local talent, address technical gaps in the economy and provide a long-term solution.
Apprenticeship Process

Apprenticeship Programmes & Career Development Pathways
Choosing the right apprenticeship programme is a significant decision and one which needs to be made carefully by all involved. Apprentices who go on the wrong programme are more likely to disengage, or even withdraw altogether.
To support and guide you with choosing the right apprenticeship programme this section provides you with useful tools to help you view the key details and resources for a variety of different apprenticeship programmes available.
Apprenticeship Comparison Tool
An Apprenticeship Comparison Tool (ACT) has been developed to assist in comparing various apprenticeship programmes and training providers, ensuring the best choices are made for the future.
Alternatively, If you are an employer/employee interested in applying or would like further information for any apprenticeship programme regardless of whether it is listed on the webpage please complete the online Expression of Interest Form or email mbpcc.lscsocialcare@nhs.net and a member of the social care apprenticeship team will be in touch.
Let's Share Success!
Celebrating Accomplishments
The Social Care Training Hub firmly believe in recognising and acknowledging the achievements and we understand the importance of showcasing individuals’ relentless efforts and unwavering commitment to their profession, demonstrating that their hard work is both valued and deeply appreciated.
We invite you to be involved, where you can highlight the remarkable work of your talented apprentices, supportive employers and the mentors.
Please email mbpcc.lscsocialcare@nhs.net apprenticeship team and we can share your feedback/stories/pictures on our website and Tweet using #apprenitceshipsLSCcare
Lancashire & South Cumbria Apprenticeship Awards 2024