Population Health and Prevention

The below information has been collated by the  North West Population Health & Prevention Network  – a multi professional network for the health, care and voluntary sector working across the  North west funded by Health Education England.

Purpose: To support the health and wellbeing contribution of the healthcare workforce, to create a culture of wellness rather than illness vin health and care delivery and to support the wider public health workforce in their prevention and population health role.

If you would like to join the network  click here.

If there is anything you would like to see more of or would like to share your public health projects or submit a news article, please do contact the team at

What's happening

Opportunities and Training

Resources & Videos

View all North West Population Health and Prevention Network events here.

Don’t miss out, join the network and or follow them Twitter

Guides and Toolkits


Useful sources of public health information can be found on the below sites:

These pages will be regularly updated with news and events relevant to your public health practice.

Any queries, please do contact the team at

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