Population Health and Prevention
The below information has been collated by the North West Population Health & Prevention Network – a multi professional network for the health, care and voluntary sector working across the North west funded by Health Education England.
Purpose: To support the health and wellbeing contribution of the healthcare workforce, to create a culture of wellness rather than illness vin health and care delivery and to support the wider public health workforce in their prevention and population health role.
If you would like to join the network click here.
If there is anything you would like to see more of or would like to share your public health projects or submit a news article, please do contact the team at lsc.icb@nhs.net
What's happening
Opportunities and Training
Do you have an interest or passion in reducing health inequalities, improving population health and empowering communities? Are you a health professional or in a leadership role working in a clinical setting in primary care or in an acute, mental health or community setting? Do you want to take part in an exciting population health leadership programme that will help develop your population health, health equity and leadership knowledge and skills and give you the tools to help deliver change in your community or setting?
The Lancashire and South Cumbria Population Health and Health Equity Academy are currently recruiting participants for the next Population Health Leadership Development Programme starting in September 2023.
The role and contribution of the health and care workforce in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention is well recognised and documented and has never been more essential. (Healthy Lives, healthy people: a public health workforce strategy 2013)
The public health workforce is defined as those for whom their primary function is working in a public health job or role e.g. a public health practitioner, data analyst or specialist and those that can make a significant contribution to public health but it isn’t their primary role e.g. medical staff, nurses, allied health professionals and specifically, colleagues such as yourselves at the frontline of healthcare delivery – GP’s and General Practice Nurses – new to practice.
For further reading on the role of the wider public health workforce and public health roles click here
More recently, the NHS Long term Plan 2019 & People Plan 2020 /21 set out the NHS commitment to improving population health, reducing health inequalities, including key priorities to ensuring the best start in life, delivering world class care for major health problems and helping people to age well.
As healthcare professionals in primary care ( both new and less new to practice!) you have a key role in population health and preventive healthcare practice – including health protection, ( e.g. national screening programmes, infectious disease outbreaks) health improvement, ( e.g. addressing health behaviours & underlying determinants of health such as poverty, poor education and housing) and healthcare public health, e.g. organised planning and service design using data / evidence focused on achieving best possible health outcomes)
The following pages and resources are updated regularly to support your prevention and population health role within the context of your clinical practice.
Further profession specific support can also be found on your respective professional bodies websites such as the NMC or Royal College of GP’s
The health inequalities podcast series discusses how our education and workforce interventions are supporting doctors, nurses, allied health professions and other healthcare professions from across the healthcare system to reduce health inequalities.
This series of three podcasts will discuss key topics including workforce transformation in rural and coastal communities, why where healthcare trainers learn is important and how we are enabling clinicians to incorporate population health into their everyday jobs.
View the full webinar programme here.
Missed a Webinar?
Access the full webinar programme, including recordings and resources here!
The Portal offers free e-learning resources, training and education in population health, wellbeing and prevention. The Portal provides a central location for free training and education resources relating to the health and wellbeing of the public including links to e-learning, toolkits, videos, webinars and various publications. Whatever your involvement with the public, these resources will support you in expanding your knowledge and skills to enable you to influence the health of the population
Find out more: Population Wellbeing Portal Flyer
Resources & Videos
View all North West Population Health and Prevention Network events here.
Don’t miss out, join the network and or follow them Twitter
Guides and Toolkits
The Personalised Care Institute has joined forces with the Money and Pensions Service and launched the Money Talk Toolkit – equipping health and care professionals to use personalised care to identify, understand, support and refer people with money-related health issues, in order to achieve the outcomes that most matter.
Developed in response to rising numbers of people experiencing health issues that may be related to money, the toolkit offers free courses and resources, guidance on how to begin money conversations and details where to signpost patients for effective financial wellbeing support. to them.
Our Improving patient safety culture guide brings together existing approaches to shifting safety culture, focusing on teamwork; communication; just culture; and psychological safety. It looks at methods for promoting diversity and inclusive behaviours and supports teams to understand their patient safety culture and how to approach improving it.
This guide is aimed at health care staff in general practices, primary care networks (PCNs), integrated care systems (ICSs) and anyone else who is seeking to reduce digital exclusion in general practice, particularly among under-served and marginalised communities. It draws on examples of good practice shared by more than 30 primary care organisations and VCSE organisations in England.
Personalising outpatient services by enabling patients to book in for a follow-up appointment if and when they need one (patient initiated follow-up/PIFU), and using remote monitoring, enables patients to have more control and more choice over how and when they access care.
New guides for personalising follow-up for patients with chronic kidney disease, kidney transplant recipients and patients with mild to moderate heart valve disease support you to set up formalised personalised follow-up in your renal and cardiology services.
A new toolkit has been published to provide practical resources to deliver specialist advice as a way of supporting elective recovery (login required). The toolkit enables better integration between primary, secondary and community care and includes a communications resource so that patients are kept informed of the process. Specialist advice, when used appropriately, can avoid waiting for hospital appointments and are able to receive their care closer to home. When a referral is necessary patients can feel assured that they have been referred to the right place.
NAPC provides a practical guide to developing population health management with examples from home and abroad, the different approaches to understanding your population, how to engage and work with stakeholders, and how to co-design new models of care.
Check out NAPC’s Primary care home: population health management guide.
PHE and HEE have released an animation to promote the multi-professional ‘embedding public health into clinical services e-learning for Healthcare toolkit’.
The toolkit includes a 5-step process with associated resources designed to support leaders, service managers and clinicians to identify their unique public health contribution and design, implement and measure their service redesign or improvement.
To support integrated care boards to develop system-level access improvement plans our briefing note sets out development considerations, timelines for submission and regional contact information.
The first of the NHS Improving Patient Care Together (NHS Impact) programmes supports delivery of the UEC Recovery Plan.
The initial stage of our improvement offer was for each system to lead an assessment of the services it provides to identify opportunities for improvement and build plans to support developing maturity. Our letter provides an overview of the universal offer, which has four core components:
- self-assessment
- delivering integrated UEC pathway improvement
- NHS Impact website resources
- recovery champions and building capability
Read the North West Population Health briefing: Promoting Multi-Professional Public Health Practice
Read the latest Public Health England Behavioural Science Reference Cell report to access research papers, blogs, podcasts and more.
Access the latest and past editions of the PHE Behavioural Science Reference Cell Literature Report under the “Keeping up to date” tab on the following link.
Useful sources of public health information can be found on the below sites:
- Faculty of Public Health
- Public Health Profiles
- Public Health Outcomes Framework
- Directors of Public Health Annual Reports
- All Our Health Framework
- MECC – Practical Resources
- Health Matters
- Us Healthy
Further information on the role and function of PHE can be found here and HEE can be found here.
These pages will be regularly updated with news and events relevant to your public health practice.
Any queries, please do contact the team at phpn.northwest@hee.nhs.uk.