Administration and Clerical Support

This training offer supports the essential and much-valued Administration and Clerical workforce within Primary Care across Lancashire and South Cumbria. It provides the training, support and development staff need to carry out their roles and progress their careers. 

On this page you will find training options, webinars and events, funding information, updates and links to resources. If the training you would like to access is not listed below, please fill in this Expression of Interest form.

If you have any questions please contact our team

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If you are ready to take your next step in Primary Care you may find our interactive tool  useful to help you to consider the options available to you. 

What's happening

Current Training Offers

Care Navigation

There are currently three different types of Care Navigation training on offer at the moment. At the Training Hub we are hosting Essential Care Navigation and Enhanced Care Navigation Training. NHSE also has a Care Navigation offer for one member of staff per practice or PCN. Find out more below.

Primary Care Navigation Training is designed to specifically support primary care staff in having conversations that will encourage patients to see the most appropriate person to manage their needs.

Book here.

Please note registration closes 3 days before session date.

All Training is funded by the L&SC PCTH. Please ensure you book onto training under “L&SCPC Training Hub” and NOT “Striding Edge Open”.

Care navigation training available to March 2024

As part of the support outlined in the Delivery Plan for Recovering Access to Primary Care, practice and PCN managers can nominate one member of staff, ideally reception staff and care navigators involved in triaging requests, to complete virtual care navigation training at foundation or advanced level.

On completion, individuals will be confident to communicate effectively with patients and be able to signpost to the most relevant team member or local services depending on patient needs. This training is fully funded by NHS England until March 2024. Please email with any questions. Care navigation training FAQs are also available.

Come along to a webinar on Thursday 26 October from 5pm to hear all about this training programme, with first-hand experiences from practice/PCN managers and those who have completed the training


The course aims to really expand the understanding and knowledge of chaperoning in primary care. The course examines the problematic stereotypes of which patients will be offered a chaperone and in which circumstances.

“Very interesting and informative training session.
Learnt more around the chaperoning role than I
originally thought I would.
Much more confident in the role moving forward.”

Book here.

Please note registration closes 3 days before session date.

All Training is funded by the L&SC PCTH. Please ensure you book onto training under “L&SCPC Training Hub” and NOT “Striding Edge Open”.

Excellent Customer Care

An innovative course defining what excellent customer service truly is through the understanding of how the patient thinks and feels. We teach strategies to ensure high quality conversations between staff and patient. Our Excellent Customer Service course received national awareness having been discussed on BBC Breakfast News, Radio 5 Live and also in the Mail on Sunday. This course really makes a difference!

“Very interesting and informative training session.
Learnt more around the chaperoning role than I
originally thought I would.
Much more confident in the role moving forward.”

Book here.

Please note registration closes 3 days before session date.

All Training is funded by the L&SC PCTH. Please ensure you book onto training under “L&SCPC Training Hub” and NOT “Striding Edge Open”.

Note Summarising

This course aims to provide all delegates with an easy to use protocol to accurately summarise records to improve the use to clinicians of online summary information.

The course is perfect for users of EMIS, Vision and Systmone computer systems.

Book here.

Please note registration closes 3 days before session date.

All Training is funded by the L&SC PCTH. Please ensure you book onto training under “L&SCPC Training Hub” and NOT “Striding Edge Open”.

Understanding blood tests and results

The course aims to develop a good understanding of the most common blood tests taken in general practice.

We explore the medical reasons why these blood tests are required, including discussion of the therapeutic ranges and why this is important.

Book here.

Please note registration closes 3 days before session date.

All Training is funded by the L&SC PCTH. Please ensure you book onto training under “L&SCPC Training Hub” and NOT “Striding Edge Open”.


Development Masterclasses held on MS Teams.
Various dates and topics.

See below to book:

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Diploma and Short Course Offers

Apply for funding
Basic Medical Terminology

The aim of this unit is to enable the learner to develop a basic knowledge of how to accurately construct, identify and use a specified range of medical terminology.

Please fill in the AMSPAR Expression of Interest form.

Once we have approved your funding, we will advise you on your next steps to apply on the course.

Medical Terminology Level 2
Mediterm Intermediate Award in Medical Terminology (online learning, student paced, mentor supported) 

Please fill in the AMSPAR Expression of Interest form.

Once we have approved your funding, we will advise you on your next steps to apply on the course.

AMSPAR Individual Modules
  • Managing medical ethics & legal requirements  
  • Financial management & budgeting  
  • Managing information & communication  
  • Developing & leading teams to achieve organisational goals & objectives 
  • Developing or improving services in a primary care health environment 
  • Developing critical thinking 
  • Managing for efficiency and effectiveness 
  • Managing recruitment 
  • Becoming an effective leader 

Please fill in the AMSPAR Expression of Interest form.

Once we have approved your funding, we will advise you on your next steps to apply on the course.

Training available through PMA
Practice Management Course
Basic Medical Terminology via elearning on Bluestream (no funding required)

Blue Stream Academy is pleased to announce the release of a new Medical Terminology course. This course has been developed to provide a basic introduction for those working in health and social care who may need to understand commonly used medical terms and abbreviations in their day-to-day roles.

If your Practice has Bluestream please ask your administrator if this can be added to your profile

Medical Secretary - KeyNet

MC10 - Medical Secretary Diploma Course - Advanced (approx. 60 hours

See full course details here: MC10  MEDICAL Secretarial 

This course is suitable for beginners, graduates requiring skills for the modern business environment or for those already working within a medical environment.  Beginners learn touch typing, audio typing and word processing.  The course includes medical terminology basics and medical documentation such as those used in hospitals and by GPs.  Modules include Copy Typing, Text Production at Level 1 and Level 2, Medical Word Processing Level 2 and Medical Audio Transcription Level 2.  The course is available through distance learning.   

The course offers the opportunity to gain the following:

KeyNet Medical Secretarial Diploma

Please find below the application process:

  1. Please read and complete the Funding Application Form and return to
  2. Once we have approved your funding, we will advise you on your next steps to apply on the course

Please state in your email clearly which course you are applying for

MS30 - Medical Secretarial Short Diploma Course (30 hours)

See full course details here:  MS30 MEDICAL Secretarial 

This course is suitable for those who already have good keyboard and word processing skills.  

The course includes medical terminology and medical documents such as those used in hospitals and by GPs. Modules include Text Production Level 2, Medical Word Processing Level 2 and Medical Audio Transcription Level 2.  The course is available through distance learning.  

The course offers the opportunity to gain the following:

KeyNet Medical Secretarial Diploma

Please find below the application process:

  1. Please read and complete the Funding Application Form and return to
  2. Once we have approved your funding, we will advise you on your next steps to apply on the course

Please state in your email clearly which course you are applying for

MS35 – KN Medical Secretary Diploma - Advanced Level 3 (80-120 hours)

See full course details here: MS35 MEDICAL Secretarial Advanced Level 3

The course follows the syllabus for the OCR Word Processing Level 3 and OCR Text Production Level 3. Comprehensive training is given in medical terminology, advanced word processing and text production of a variety of correspondence.

  1.  Medical Terminology: The origin and structure of medical terms, Terminology instruction, exercises and assessment
  2. Text Production Level 3
  3. Word Processing Level 3

The course offers the opportunity to gain the following:

  • KeyNet Medical Secretarial Diploma Level 3
  • AMSPAR/CITY & GUILDS Certificate in Medical Terminology Level 2 or 3

Please find below the application process:

  1. Please read and complete the Funding Application Form and return to
  2. Once we have approved your funding, we will advise you on your next steps to apply on the course

Please state in your email clearly which course you are applying for

MT30 - Medical Terminology Course (60 to 80 hours)

See full course details here: MT30 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 

This course is ideally suitable for those who already have some secretarial / administrative experience. It is suitable for those wishing to change career in order to specialise in medical secretarial work or for those already working within the NHS.

Comprehensive training is given in medical terminology.

  1. The origin and structure of medical terms
  2. Terminology instruction, exercises and assessment

The course offers the opportunity to gain the following:

  • Keynet Certificate in Medical Terminology
  • AMSPAR/CITY & GUILDS Certificate in Medical Terminology Level 2 or 3

Please find below the application process:

  1. Please read and complete the Funding Application Form and return to
  2. Once we have approved your funding, we will advise you on your next steps to apply on the course

Please state in your email clearly which course you are applying for

MT35 – KN Medical Secretary Advanced Diploma (140 hours)

See full course details here: MT35 MEDICAL Secretarial Advanced Level 3

  1.  Medical Terminology: The origin and structure of medical terms, Terminology instruction, exercises and assessment
  2. Text Production Level 3
  3. Word Processing Level 3

Comprehensive training is given in medical terminology, medical word processing and medical audio transcription of correspondence such as that used in hospitals and by GPs.

Medical Correspondence including; Letters, Memos and Reports using medical terminology throughout.
For example:

  • Referral letters from GPs to Consultants
  • Hospital lists of information
  • Multi-page reports on medical conditions
  • Tables of medical information
  • Information notices

The course offers the opportunity to gain the following:

  • KeyNet Medical Secretarial Advanced Diploma
  • AMSPAR/CITY & GUILDS Certificate in Medical Terminology Level 2 or 3

Please find below the application process:

  1. Please read and complete the Funding Application Form and return to
  2. Once we have approved your funding, we will advise you on your next steps to apply on the course

Please state in your email clearly which course you are applying for

MT60 – KN Medical Secretary Advanced Diploma (approx. 100-120 hours)

See full course details here: MT60 MEDICAL Secretarial 

Comprehensive training is given in medical terminology, medical word processing and medical audio transcription of correspondence such as that used in hospitals and by GPsA pocket medical dictionary and medical terminology book is also provided to aid your study.

  1. Medical Terminology: The origin and structure of medical terms, Terminology instruction, exercises and assessment
  2. Medical Word Processing
  3. Medical Audio Transcription

The course offers the opportunity to gain the following:

    • KeyNet Medical Secretary Diploma
    • AMSPAR/CITY & GUILDS Certificate in Medical Terminology Level 2 or 3

Please find below the application process:

  1. Please read and complete the Funding Application Form and return to
  2. Once we have approved your funding, we will advise you on your next steps to apply on the course

Please state in your email clearly which course you are applying for


Coaching Offer

 Practice Manager Group Mentoring Sessions

Due to the popularity of our group mentoring sessions for new to practice Managers and aspiring Assistant Practice Managers we have arranged a third group of 4 sessions.

If you are a newly promoted PM (within first 18 months) or an aspiring Assistant Practice Manager or if you feel you require some additional mentoring to support, you in your role please email with your expression of interest to join the next cohort.

We now have two cohorts available.  To view available dates and book your place please click on links below:



“My sessions have been invaluable as I settled into such a high pressured, fast paced environment, and I feel very fortunate to have had a mentor. Each session was structured logically to cover the most imperative topics required at the time. We covered a huge amount of information which my mentor was able to teach in a way that was easy to understand and retain, without feeling overloaded. Each session was followed up with a summary of learning, with screenshots and information, to enable me to review my learning and put plans into place after the sessions.

My mentor’s knowledge and experience meant they could support every aspect of my learning from HR issues, finance, business management, who to contact for what and so much more. Time was set aside for questions that had arose between sessions which was very reassuring to know, and this took pressure of me running the Practice day to day.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my mentor for their mentorship, advice, patience, and support over the last 3 months. I would also like to thank the training hub for having the vision to fund this pilot. I have no doubt this type of mentorship is key to the of future of new Practice Managers coming into Primary Care.” Mentee – January 2024

Further Training Offers

General Practice Assistant (GPA) Programme

As part of the wider team in general practice, General Practice Assistants provide a support role, carrying out administrative tasks, combined in some areas with basic clinical duties.  They can help to free up GPs time and contribute to the smooth running of appointments, improving patients experience in the surgery.

Visit our  GPA webpage.

Free HFMA bitesize courses for NHS staff

The HFMA have worked in partnership with NHS England to provide a number of HFMA bitesize online courses free of charge to all NHS staff. There are several ways to access the courses for free. Visit the HFMA website.

Correspondence Management

This aims to equip operational administrative staff to safely and efficiently take actions where appropriate, and which may include forwarding correspondence to another member of the team, or passing letters to a GP for action if a clinical decision is required. It is a more advanced task than document processing or coding alone.

We currently have no further dates for this training. We are monitoring demand. If you would like to register your interest please complete this expression of interest form

Improvement Fundamentals

A radical programme of online courses for those involved in health and social care.
Improvement Fundamentals is a programme of online, self-directed mini-courses in quality improvement (QI) for those involved in heath or social care services.
Find out more here.
Access the Quality Improvement Learning Portal here.

NHS England is pleased to announce the extension of a national training programme – ‘Handling difficult situations – Caring for yourself and others with compassion’.

Find out more here

The Institute of General Practice Management (IGPM) has launched its formal accreditation programme for managers in primary care, with 10 managers already having received the accreditation.

Anyone with a managerial role in general practice can apply for accreditation, with full details of eligibility available on the IGPM website. Associates must apply to be assessed by an accreditation panel in order to obtain the level of Member of the Institute of General Practice Management (MIGPM).

This is welcomed news for managers, with the IGPM established by practice managers to ensure that there is a professional body to represent and support them. Practice managers can join The IGPM online.

NW Leadership Academy provide a wide range of free Leadership training to Primary Care staff. Visit their Primary Care page on their website here to see their up to date offers.

New ‘how to’ guides have been published as part of the package of resources available through the General Practice Improvement Programme. They include quick wins and tips from practices who have adapted how they work, to improve patient access and reduce pressure on staff. 

The guides cover five elements: 

  • how to align capacity with demand
  • how to improve care related processes
  • how to improve care navigation 
  • how to improve telephone journeys 
  • creating highly usable and accessible GP websites for patients

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Please email, we would like to hear from you to help us understand training needs to support the non clinical workforce.

Training in Numbers


Accessed Training

Across Lancashire and South Cumbria Primary Care


Studying AMSPAR

We have many returning customers that got to trust us as a solid partner.


Opportunities Available

From SNOMED, Note Summarising, Care Navigation Training to Coaching and more


Meet Our Team

Boyana Konar

Project Lead

Kay Turner 

Project Support