See the L&SC ICB Measles update and information here
Across the country, the NHS is seeing increased cases of measles amongst unvaccinated children. UKHSA modelling, published last year, identified a risk of measles outbreaks in specific populations including teenagers, young people and unvaccinated / under vaccinated communities across the country.
“It is our privilege to introduce the NHS’s first equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) improvement plan. The NHS workforce is more diverse today than at any point in its 75-year history, and that brings benefits for patients and taxpayers alike.”
Amanda Pritchard, Chief Executive, NHS England
National campaigns, awards and awareness days to help you plan activities for the year.
The aim of the programme is to support a range of health and care professions, to develop their own population health skills through designing, implementing, testing and evaluating a small-scale health improvement project within their sphere of practice.
Participants will be supported remotely via an Action Learning Set of peers across your region, to utilise the OHID/HEE developed toolkit for Embedding Public Health into Clinical Services to identify ideas and test public health interventions in their own field of practice.
See the North West Leadership Academy (NWLA) latest Primary Care offers here
Getting Started with Large Scale Change is a free online CPD accredited course which is enrolling now and commences on Monday 9 January 2023 until 19 February 2023.
If you have ambitions to deliver large scale change and don’t know where to start or need the tools to deliver large scale change in health and care more readily and with greater insight, Getting Started with Large Scale Change may be the course for you.
Getting Started with Large Scale Change is aimed at anyone in health and care with a role to play in transformational change and will help develop your capability to apply large scale change approaches, tools and techniques to support COVID-19 recovery plans, business planning priorities and your own personal development.
The course can be accessed online and done at your own pace with materials in a number of formats to suit your learning style and a supportive environment where you can engage with our expert faculty, and peer-to-peer discussions in the social spaces on our interactive learning platform.
How to enrol:
- If you have already registered on the QI Learning Platform, then you simply need to enrol on the course.
- If you have not already registered on the platform, please do so by visiting the QI Learning Platform registration page. Then you simply need to enrol on the course.
If you experience any technical difficulties, have any questions or queries either now or throughout your learning journey with us, please do not hesitate to email us at
Please feel free to share details with any colleagues who you feel might benefit from the course.
Reducing Pre-registration Attrition and Improving Retention (RePAIR)in Lancashire and South Cumbria
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership is an Integrated Care System, a partnership of health and care organisations working together across Lancashire to empower and support 1.8 million people to have the best start in life and to live longer, healthier lives
Many doctors and health care professionals have patients who are refugees or asylum seekers. A significant proportion of those patients will have experienced traumatic events, including torture, and have complex health needs as a result. At Freedom from Torture they have 40 years’ experience of working with survivors of torture, supporting them to rebuild their lives.
Designed by experts from our Clinical Services team, this 10-module course is designed for all doctors and healthcare professionals providing care for refugees and asylum seekers who may have experienced torture.
To access the course, please click the following link.
Events Calendar
- Check out the NHS NW Careers Portal here:
- If you would like to be added to our weekly update distribution list, please contact your locality lead or email
- Sign up to the Primary Care bulletin here!