Immunisation and Vaccination Training
Welcome to the Immunisation and Vaccination training page.
From here you can access a variety of training courses accessible through MS Teams delivered by an expert healthcare professional in immunisations and vaccinations.
The content of our training is guided by the UKHSA and NHSE guidelines.
Please follow this link https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/vaccine-update to access the vaccine update from UKHSA which is a vaccination newsletter for health professionals describing the latest developments in vaccines, vaccinations policies and procedures.
See our updated 2024 flyer here: Imms & Vaccs 2024 Training – LSC PCTH
Immunisation and Vaccination Annual Update
- The Immunisation and Vaccination Update provides an annual update of current practice in relation to the immunisation schedules in primary care using PHE information.
- This course is not suitable as foundation training and is only an update and does not cover anaphylaxis or basic life support. This must be completed separately.
- This course is for Clinical Experienced Vaccinators, those who have already been vaccinating and does not include non-clinical Covid only Vaccinators.
- Vaccine ordering storage and handling
- Vaccine administration and best practice
- Adverse events following immunisation
- Addressing patient concerns
- Incomplete immunisations schedule
- Individuals with underlying medical conditions
- Influenza vaccines
- Shingles
- Pneumococcal vaccines
- Covid vaccine
- Complete child and adolescent schedule
- NHS Travel Vaccine schedules
Introduction to Immunisation and Vaccinations (Foundation)
See below full e-Learning required.
- The Immunisation and Vaccination Foundation is a blended learning programme.
- This training includes NHS Travel Vaccine schedules.
- This is for those new to providing Immunisation and Vaccinations
- This course does not cover anaphylaxis or basic life support. This must be completed separately.
Delegates will be expected to complete a questionnaire post-session in order to receive a certificate of completion.
Delegates will require a clinical supervisor in Practice to be able to sign off the competency assessment tool following the course- details of which are below
to ensure the delivery of the vaccines is safe and effective.
The supervisor assessing the practitioner must be a registered healthcare practitioner who is competent and experienced in delivering immunisation programmes.
- You will receive a certificate post training for your attendance. Places are limited, if you have booked a place, please ensure you attend.
- If you are no longer able to attend, please cancel your place. If you are struggling with booking or cancelling your place, please contact us.
- By signing up you agree for your information to be stored and shared by the Training hub and with the Training Provider, NHSE and HEE, for the delivery of this training, monitoring, reporting and certification purposes only.
NOTE – for Non Registered Healthcare Professionals – BEFORE BOOKING PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU – have achieved education and training to Level Three of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF)4 or equivalent in England and Wales with at least 2 years’ experience as recommended in The National Minimum Standards. These Standards are intended to support and facilitate high quality, safe delivery of the influenza, shingles and/or pneumococcal vaccination programmes.
See here advice for HCA I & V Training
HCAs can administer flu, pneumococcal vaccines or B12 injections provided they are working under the authority of a GP or prescriber who is fully insured under Crowne scheme, they have been assessed as competent to carry out the task, their training is recorded and kept up-to-date and there is a practice protocol is in place which complies with the law.
When there is a delegation of duties then it is recommended that a doctor or nurse be on the premises while a HCA administers vaccinations or injections, in case of emergency. There is no other guidance re first, second or third unless the practice wish to put this into their policy. The prescriber when completing the PSD should have full assessed, discussed and deemed the treatment appropriate for the patient at the time of prescribing. The person accountable should be happy with the delegation as per their pin and it should be included in the HCA job description.
Influenza, Shingles and Pneumococcal Vaccination and B12 Administration Update
Travel Vaccinations Update
- The Travel Health Update provides an annual update of current practice in relation to the travel immunisation schedules in primary care using PHE information.
- This course is not suitable as foundation training and is only an update, attendees must have completed a 2 day Foundation Travel health course previously.
- The training does not cover anaphylaxis or basic life support. This must be completed separately.
- The content only covers the vaccines that are available on the NHS and does not provide detail of a full travel Health consultation.
Influenza & Covid Update
This course is not suitable as a foundation training and is only an update and does not cover anaphylaxis or basic life support. This must be completed separately.
This course is for Clinical Experienced Vaccinators, those who have already been vaccinating and does not include non-clinical Covid only Vaccinators.
Influenza (only) Update
NEW Increasing Uptake
Content –
Brief overview of Vaccine preventable diseases
Improving Uptake
Signposting/ Resources
Question Time
- You will receive a certificate post training for your attendance. Places are limited, if you have booked a place, please ensure you attend.
- If you are no longer able to attend, please cancel your place. If you are struggling with booking or cancelling your place, please contact us.
- By signing up you agree for your information to be stored and shared by the Training hub and with the Training Provider, NHSE and HEE, for the delivery of this training, monitoring, reporting and certification purposes only.
NEW RSV Programme
- You will receive a certificate post training for your attendance. Places are limited, if you have booked a place, please ensure you attend.
- If you are no longer able to attend, please cancel your place. If you are struggling with booking or cancelling your place, please contact us.
- By signing up you agree for your information to be stored and shared by the Training hub and with the Training Provider, NHSE and HEE, for the delivery of this training, monitoring, reporting and certification purposes only.
Are you a General Practice Nurse/Allied Health Professional who is new to Primary Care?
We found this programme which also may be of interest to you:
Each of the below E-Learning for Health Modules need to be completed prior to completing the Introduction to Immunisation and Vaccinations (Foundation)
- Log into ELFH using the link: HEE elfh Hub (e-lfh.org.uk)
- Click ‘My elearning’ on the toolbar at the top of the page
- Click ‘Full catalogue’ at the top right of the page
- Scroll down on the left hand side and find ‘Immunisation (IMM)’
- Complete all of the Modules below as well as the individual modules relevant to you under ‘Vaccine preventable Diseases’
- Once completed, there will be a certificate icon on the right hand side which will appear gold when you have completed that module. Click the icon, this will download your certificate
- When you have all of your certificates please email them all to mbpcc.lscthub@nhs.net prior to the online teams training
This session will provide information about the immune response to vaccines and how vaccines work. It will also describe the different types of vaccines available.
This session introduces the vaccine preventable diseases sessions and the diseases that are covered.
This session considers the issue of talking with patients/parents/carers about immunisation. Information to include in a routine consultation with any patient will be considered. Examples of common questions and concerns of relevance for different patient groups are provided with particular attention paid to parents’ questions and the information that can be given in response. The importance of the style of communication used in conversations to address immunisation concerns will be considered. The features of credible sources of information are described, and immunisation information sources and resources are presented.
This module consists of a session and assessment. The session will provide information to immunisers on the legal aspects of giving vaccines. It will present the information immunisers need to understand about the process of consent and the legal requirements for giving a prescription medicine such as a vaccine. It will also consider the requirements around record keeping and data sharing.
This module consists of a session and assessment. The session will provide information to immunisers on the correct procedures to follow for the storage of vaccines.
This module consists of a session and assessment. The session will provide information to immunisers on the correct procedures to follow for the administration of vaccines.
Useful Information and Documentation
Green Book
Follow this link for the Green Book (Nov 2021)
Immunisation Knowledge and Skills Competence Assessment Tool
National Minimum Standards and Core Curriculum for Immunisation Training
Click here to view this document
The minimum standards of training for healthcare support workers (HCSWs) to administer influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations to adults Follow this link
The Routine Immunisation Schedule
Non clinical flu training 24/25
Change in vaccine
RSV Programme
Documents relating to the new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccination programme
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccination programme – Gov.UK
Training slide sets
RSV older adults vaccination programme slide set
RSV maternal vaccination programme slide set
Link to the Green Book
The Green Book RSV chapter 27a
PGD Template
Leaflets and posters
Posters are available free to order
Jane Chiodini Dilemmas in General Practice with Travel Vaccinations
Travel Competency Document RCN Travel Health Nursing: career and competence development | Publications | Royal College of Nursing
Article on Providing a Travel health Service Providing-a-Travel-Health-Service-in-Primary-Care-Jane-Chiodini 2022.pdf
Advice from SPS Repeat supply or administration of medicines under PGD – SPS – Specialist Pharmacy Service – The first stop for professional medicines advice
NHS Travel vaccinations Travel vaccination advice – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
CQC Myth Buster GP mythbuster 107: Pre-travel health services – Care Quality Commission (cqc.org.uk)
Providing Travel Health Services https://rcpsg.ac.uk/travel-medicine/good-practice-guidance-for-providing-a-travel-health-service
Delegation, Accountability & Referral
Good medical practice – professional standards – GMC (gmc-uk.org)
Clinical Negligence Scheme This short video gives a brief overview of what clinical negligence scheme for general practice is, how it works, what it covers and what it doesn’t.
What is the clinical negligence scheme for general practice (CNSGP)? on Vimeo
Free Courses for Travel Health Dilemmas in General Practice with Travel Vaccinations
Information for immunisation practitioners and other health professionals – Follow this link
The Public Health England Campaign Resource Centre has everything you need to deliver our award-winning marketing campaigns on a local level. Follow this link
Here you can order a number of publications quickly and easily. Copies of most printed publications can be ordered online via this portal
Immunisation information for Health Care Services within Lancashire and South Cumbria. Follow this link
Click here to view this document
Up to date PGD’s Follow this link
The primary care immunisation update webinar series 2022 is a training resource developed and provided by (UKHSA) London and funded by NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) London. Click here to learn more!
Use the Shingles vaccination eligibility calculator based on the changes to the NHS Shingles Vaccination Programme from 1 September 2023.
Collection of Vaccination newsletters for health professionals and immunisation practitioners. Follow this link
Influenza Resources
The Enhanced Service Specification for Seasonal influenza vaccination programme 2021/22 has now been published. The BMA GPC have been able to secure agreement with NHSE/I to the inclusion of all frontline practice staff in the Enhanced Service. All practice staff with patient contact, including both medical and administrative staff, will now be eligible to receive a flu vaccination from their employing practice or the practice at which they are registered as a patient, and practices will receive an item of service fee for their provision. However, we would advise for practice staff to go to their own GP Practice to have their vaccination as patients should not be registered as INT (Immediately Necessary Treatment) due to contractual regulations. We are still querying this nationally. As in previous years, locum GPs will also continue to be eligible for a free vaccination. The provision of flu vaccination to all target groups will, therefore, be covered under CNSGP. NHSE/I has also published guidance on the process for recording flu vaccinations administered to patients not registered with a practice.
As part of our aim to reduce premature mortality amongst people with a learning disability, we ask colleagues to review the innovative approaches used during COVID-19 vaccination roll out and consider similar approaches for flu vaccination. This includes using the many more vaccinators available to the system, their knowledge and skills about people with a learning disability and their need for reasonable adjustments, to ensure successful vaccination.
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has secured additional flu vaccine to support delivery of this year’s seasonal flu vaccination programme. This is a temporary measure to support reaching the uptake ambitions for this year’s expanded flu programme, with additional supply being deployed to areas where it is most needed to maximise uptake and top up local supplies where they run low.
Providers and local commissioners should ensure stock is prioritised to where it is needed most, in eligible cohorts where uptake is lower. DHSC has published guidance for General Practices and Community Pharmacies on how to access the stock and what vaccines are available.
Covid Resources
- Log into ELFH using the link: HEE elfh Hub (e-lfh.org.uk)
- Click ‘My elearning’ on the toolbar at the top of the page
- Click ‘Full catalogue’ at the top right of the page
- Scroll down on the left hand side and find ‘COVID-19 Vaccination’
- Once completed, there will be a certificate icon on the right hand side which will appear gold when you have completed that module. Click the icon, this will download your certificate
Immunisation and Vaccination Team
Meet Our Super Trainers

Corrie Llewellyn
Clinical Quality, Assurance & Governance Lead

Rebecca Richardson
Project Lead & Super Trainer

Jeanette Barnard
Super Trainer

Kathryn-Taylor Bates
Super Trainer
Vaccinations in Numbers
HCA Foundation Training Completed
Through Support from Lancashire and South Cumbria Primary Care Training Hub (From 1st January 2023 - December 2023)
Immunisation and Vaccination Updates
Provided by Lancashire and South Cumbria Primary Care Training Hub