Nurses (GPNs)

Practice nurses work in GP surgeries where they plan, provide care, treatment and health education to patients of all ages.They are healthcare professionals educated to Master’s Level and have developed the skills and knowledge to allow them to take on expanded roles and scope of practice caring for patients. (HEE)

GPN Update Forums

Lancashire and South Cumbria Practice Nurse and AHP national and local update forums 2025

We have arranged four general practice nurse and AHP forums for 2025.

Each forum will last 45 minutes including a national and local update plus time for Q&As

The forums are:
26th March 12.30-1.15
14th May 12.30-1.15
10th September 12.30-1.15

Please book a slot on each of the above sessions by selecting the date from the drop down on the listing and booking each session separately

We will be arranging an additional session in December 2025- details to follow

What's happening

Nurses Training & Opportunities

Fundamentals 1

An amazing opportunity for General Practice Nurses to gain a qualification in General Practice Nursing, with a module funded by the Lancashire and South Cumbria Training Hub. 

For more information click here

If you wish to apply, please download and submit the Uclan Application Form


Visit our Apprenticeships page here.

Clinical Supervision

Nurse Clinical Supervision Sessions 2025


Continued Professional Development (CPD)

  • Visit our CPD page here
  • Upcoming CPD training sessions, such as; Core People Management/Managing Culture, Collecting data, Prescribing safety, Project Management, Legal issues and more

Cytology Training

To apply for a place please complete this Application Form and return it to who can then inform you of any upcoming dates.


You can find information on all available eLearning portals and newly published programmes on our eLearning page.

Independent Prescribing

Visit our IP/NMP page here.

Immunisation and Vaccination Training 2025

Visit our Imms & Vaccs page here.

Book this training on our Events Calendar.

New to Practice Fellowship & Mentorship

Visit our Fellowships page here.

Visit our Mentorships page here.

Nurse Forums 2025

Coming soon!

Each forum will last 30 minutes and will be hosted over Teams. 


Visit our Placements page here.

You can also find information for PARE (supervisors) on the Placements page.

The Queens Nursing Institute Educational Grants

The Queens Nursing Institute Educational Grants are available for all nurses who work in community or primary care settings.

Health & Wellbeing

Nurses can access all health and wellbeing champion training, resources and updates on our health and wellbeing page.

Discovering a Career in General Practice Nursing (CNO 002)

Discovering a Career in General Practice Nursing (CNO 002) is a single module available to nurses or nursing associates, either qualified or in training, who are looking for a real kickstart to their career by providing information and insight into the role of a General Practice Nurse (University of Cumbria).

See flyer here. 
See full details here: Discovering a Nursing Career UoC

What's happening

Resources & Videos


New resource alert! 

Welcome to the new home of Teaching and Learning Consultation Skills (TALC Skills) and Healthy English:

TALC Skills covers all aspects of consulting with a patient, whether you are a GP or another healthcare professional, and aims to make consultations more enjoyable and more efficient.

These valuable free resources can be used independently by anyone who wants to learn or improve their consultation skills – or by educators. TALC Skills is an RCGP award-winner and its popular podcast has already received more than 28,000 downloads.

Healthy English has been developed to help everyone who works with patients become a better user of English. It addresses the language and communication needs of international health and care staff, their trainers and colleagues working in the UK.

Access to both of these resources is free of charge to NHS people and organisations.

Sign up and join hundreds of other colleagues across the country who are using this trending new resource. 

The Group clinic Model supporting system change briefing paper. The QNI have over 700 practices average population size 10- 12k patients in England using the model.

These clinical toolkits have been developed in partnership between the RCGP and our funding and delivery partners. The resources have been created for primary healthcare professionals, patients and carers. These toolkits can be used to assist in the delivery of safe and effective care to patients.

The Asthma and Pneumonia toolkits reflect the priorities in respiratory care including identification of risk factors, prevention, detection and diagnosis, medicines optimisation and reducing inappropriate secondary care admissions. They will support Respiratory Clinical Networks and clinical services to understand their priorities to improve patient care and outcomes.   

This is a hub for student nurses, midwives and trainee nursing associate (TNA), designed in collaboration with students to help support you in your studies and journey into your healthcare career. Take a look around the hub to find out more about Health Education England (HEE) and what resources are available to help support and advise you.

Click here to visit.


Welcome to this careers resource, which has been jointly developed by the Royal College of Nursing and Health Education England to help registered nurses and the nursing support workforce across the UK plan their health careers effectively.
Visit the RCN webpages here to read more.

Find out more about career options on our Health Careers website

Guidance and Governing Body

The professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses, midwives and nursing associates.

View it online and download on the NMC website.

This competency framework addresses the common core competencies and the wider range of skills, knowledge and behaviours a nurse needs, to be a fully proficient General Practice Nurse (GPN).

It is important to recognise that these competencies may take time to fully develop and consolidate, progress will vary according to working context and the individual.

Find the Framework and further information on the RCGP website.

The role of general practice nurses has evolved to meet changes in both service demand and clinical care. To support these evolving roles, two Frameworks have been developed in partnership with Skills for Health and commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement, as part of the General Practice Nursing Ten Point Plan to develop confidence, capability and capacity for general practice nurses.

Download the Primary Care and General Practice Nursing Career and Core Capabilities Framework from the Skills for Health website. 

Further Updates

NHS Knowledge and Library Services has produced a quick reference guide for nurses and midwives, in the community and in GP practice teams. There is support for nurses right through their career, offering support to develop, stay up to date, make decisions and give patients the best care possible.

The tool was developed by a group including representation from diabetes professionals and GPs around England and Wales.  Feedback was obtained from diabetes professionals, GPs/APNPs, and the Primary Care Diabetes Society before producing the final version.


There are now 5 published resources that align with the general practice and primary care core career and capabilities framework across scope of practice published via skills for health below.


A foreword by National Deputy Director, Paul Vaughan: Primary Care & General Practice Nursing Career & Core Capabilities Framework  | Skills for Health


Digital Health App

Primary Care Cancer Toolkit

PCN Lead Nurse Forum

Are you a PCN Lead Nurse? Could you represent for your
PCN area at our Lancashire and South Cumbria Wide Collaborative?
We host a Virtual Forum for PCN Lead Nurses/ Representatives.


CNO’s shared professional decision-making council

NHS England’s Chief Nursing Officer Ruth May is inviting applications from nurses who have qualified in the past 24 months to become a member of the CNO shared professional decision-making council.
The council comes together virtually every month to consider issues that affect the day to day work and lives of early career nurses. 
Council members will have the opportunity to share their own personal learning as well as discuss and debate the relevant professional, clinical and operational matters that are important to them, their colleagues and the people they care for. To apply please complete this form and for more information visit: NHS England » CNO National Shared Professional Decision-Making Council  or email

General Practice Nursing Explained


Meet Our Team

Corrie Llewellyn

Clinical Quality, Assurance & Governance Lead 

Lead for Clinical Training

Kay Turner

Project Coordinator

Nicola Albanese

Project Manager supporting the Clinical Strategic Lead


Paula Foster
