To book a place on a training session, please click on your chosen event and register through the link provided.

Please note, these events are for staff employed within the Lancashire and South Cumbria healthcare system only.

Building personal and team resilience (Non-Clinical)

This session provides you with some practical tools to boost your own resilience and your team's resilience to cope with work and life pressures. This is an interactive session and […]


Preceptorship Webinar

The Webinar will include: Introduction to the L&SC PCTH Legacy Mentor National Preceptorship Programme and Principles Information about the Preceptorship Programme Preceptorship Programme for Preceptees Development and training of Preceptors […]

Stress Awareness Month Listening Room

The Lancashire and South Cumbria Culture and Inclusion Team are running a series of themed listening rooms for all Lancashire and South Cumbria staff system-wide. Stress Awareness Month – Wednesday […]


Preceptorship Workshop

The workshop will be led by Lancashire & South Cumbria Primary Care’s Legacy Mentor and will be the starting point for GPNs and AHPs who are interested in supporting preceptorship […]

NHS Support Offers: Wellbeing Webinar

A webinar to explain the offers the NHS currently hosts for all NHS staff. An opportunity to ask questions and give feedback on this service. The NHS offers a wide […]
