Pharmacy Training
Clinical Examination Skills Training for Community Pharmacists
Health Education England are pleased to announce new, fully funded, NHS clinical examination skills training for community pharmacists.
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This new offer will build on community pharmacists’ existing clinical examination and consultation skills – to assess, treat and manage common health problems.
10,000 module places will be available until March 2024.
Following completion of a pre-required, online gateway module on history taking and identification of serious conditions, pharmacists can choose their preferred journey through four optional modules, based on professional interests. These modules cover four key themes: dermatology, cardiology, paediatrics, and ear, nose and throat.
The module content will be delivered online using a flexible and responsive eLearning system, with optional face-to-face attendance for pharmacists who would find this beneficial. Pharmacists can complete the training at a pace and time of their choice. Face-to-face workshops will be scheduled to accommodate pharmacist working patterns.
The training is designed to be complementary to independent prescribing training and can be completed prior to or after independent prescribing training courses.
Who is eligible
This offer is available to community pharmacists, including part time staff and locums working in community pharmacy.
To register and find out more about the training visit the CliniSkills website.
To find out more about the Pharmacy Integration Programme, visit the NHS England website.
Visit here to find some of the latest Pharmacist opportunities from the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education.
CPPE are suggesting to learners to utilise the e-learning resources below
- Primary care essentials
- Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
- eLfH Equality, diversity and human rights
- Care homes: supporting people optimising medicines
- Remote consultation skills
- Inhaler technique for health care professionals and E-assessment
More information on Independent-prescribing and the Policy on IP timing and studying two training programmes at the same time.
Sign up to the CPPE waiting list for booking alerts.
More CPPE resources here!
Preparing to train as an independent prescriber e-course
You can find information about it on the CPPE website. Its aim is to help pharmacists prepare an application and prepare for prescribing training by helping them to understand what it means to be a prescriber, considerations when choosing a course, how they can demonstrate relevant knowledge and skills and plan for the study and supervised practice requirements of the course.
Please contact Hayley.Berry@cppe.ac.uk or joanne.lane@cppe.ac.uk if you have any questions.
Educational supervisor training for pharmacy workforce
ProPharmace are pleased to offer two fully funded, free to access Supervisor training programmes for those supervising the pharmacy workforce.
Full details
ProPharmace are pleased to offer two fully funded, free to access Supervisor training programmes for those supervising the pharmacy workforce. These programmes will ensure those involved in educational supervision, are confident to provide support and developmental aid to the pharmacy workforce.
- Training for Educational Supervisors including Designated Supervisors (DS)
Both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians can apply for the educational supervisor training.
- Training for Designated Prescribing Practitioners (DPP)
Designated Prescribing Practitioners (DPP) supporting supervision of learners in the pharmacy workforce.
Visit the ProPharmace website to register
Foundation Pharmacist Training
Pharmacy First
Pharmacy First is here – build your pharmacy future with fully funded, flexible training tailored to your skills, experience and individual learning requirements. Learn new skills, support peer development and expand your clinical knowledge.
Find out more and apply
Courses include:
- Advancing your role for Community Pharmacy Technicians
- Educational Supervisor Training for Community Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians.
Pharmacy Technicians
Accuracy checking pharmacy technician (ACPT) programme
Are you, or do you employ, a pharmacy technician who would like to broaden their skills to undertake final accuracy checks of dispensed items?
Full details
The programme aims to support pharmacy technicians to:
- develop the skills required to be a safe competent and confident final accuracy checking pharmacy technician
- improve leadership and communication skills
- direct the dispensary team
- increase the pharmacy team’s capacity to deliver patient-facing services.
The total cost for a place on the course is £330 inclusive of VAT. This payment can be self-funded or employer financed.
To find out more, including entry criteria and how to apply, visit: www.cppe.ac.uk/career/acpt
Trainee Pharmacist Foundation Training Year
Following recent changes to the MPharm course, from 2026 all newly registered pharmacists will enter the register with the training, skills and confidence to provide a range of clinical care to patients, including prescribing of medicines.
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FAQs_Funding for the Foundation Training Year 2025_26
For further information, please see the attached document with FAQs or contact
Community Pharmacy Technician Apprenticeship Programme
NHSE are excited to announce the launch of the Community Pharmacy Technician Apprenticeship Programme.
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This programme will support Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacy Technicians (PTPTs) to be employed and complete their full 24-month apprenticeship training within a community pharmacy setting. Upon completion of training and registration with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) this will support community pharmacy to utilise the expertise and knowledge of registered pharmacy technicians as part of pharmacy services and wider reform.
The programme aims to support pharmacy technicians to:
- develop the skills required to be a safe competent and confident final accuracy checking pharmacy technician
- improve leadership and communication skills
- direct the dispensary team
- increase the pharmacy team’s capacity to deliver patient-facing services.
The total cost for a place on the course is £330 inclusive of VAT. This payment can be self-funded or employer financed.
To find out more, including entry criteria and how to apply, visit: www.cppe.ac.uk/career/acpt
Visit here to find some of the latest Pharmacy Tech opportunities from the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education.
Community pharmacy technician advancing your role programme
Pharmacy Leads Programme - North West Leadership Academy (NWLA)
Three-Part Programme -Please complete this survey to express an interest in future cohorts of this programme.