On this page you will find information and resources for digital training, events, apps, websites, portals and more.
For any digital training or queries, please contact ian.kendall6@nhs.net.
Video Group Clinics (VGC)
VGC Explained
VGCs are a way for clinicians to review a group of people with a similar health or care issue together, for example asthma or high blood pressure.
Group clinics provide more time for people to talk about their shared concerns and learn how to keep well and self-manage their health issues.
Useful Resources and Updates
You can find all VGC Resources on the NHS Future Portal.
- The Implementation Toolkit
- e-Learning
- Evaluation Hub
- Case Studies
- Guides and FAQs
An overview and a working knowledge of Video Group Clinics / Consultations including benefits, delivery principles and outcomes.
This module provides a ‘walk through’ as to the implementation of Video Group Clinics (currently a four step process).
- You can find the eLearning module here
Find all of Redmoor Healths VGC guides, tips, case studies and video demonstrations here.
Find out more from NHSE here on the Case study led by the national General Practice Nursing CNO Council
Why use Video group Clinics?
Redmoor Health state Video Group Clinics bring together groups of patients with similar needs or conditions. Some of the benefits of VGCs are as follows:
- Significant clinician time savings. Clinicians report that clinical reviews in VGCs take around 5 minutes per patient compared to 15-25 minutes when delivered one-to-one. Clinicians usually review 6-8 patients in 30 minutes, representing a 60-80% time efficiency gain
- Quality and QOF improvement. A GP practice that adopted group clinics as their fist point of contact for people living with diabetes saw a 18% uplift in QOF in its first year, with a further uplift in year two
- Improved experience of care: clinicians report that group clinics restore joy to both remote and face to face consultations. Patients report extremely high levels of satisfaction with their group clinic experiences too
- Sustainable delivery of personalised care: the group clinic process mirrors care and support planning because patients see their results and decide their questions before the clinician joins. Then after their consultation with the clinician, they are supported to set goals. VGCs will help you deliver the Year of Care
- Better outcomes in diabetes: there is Level One (randomised controlled trial) evidence that group clinics improve HbA1c and blood pressure in diabetes compared to one to one appointments.
Unlock the power of digital health
Digital Apps - Orcha
Developed by clinicians, ORCHA’s AppFinder gives you unlimited access to thousands of independent app reviews across all health conditions, each of which includes a breakdown of key assessment criteria relating to Clinical Assurance, Data Privacy and User Experience.
Sign up to discover the strengths and weaknesses of an app before downloading or recommending it to a patient.
Agilio TeamNet
Whether you manage one GP practice or oversee an entire Integrated Care System or PCN, the amount of time needed to manage your teams and all back-office processes can be significant.
TeamNet is designed with primary care in mind, whether it’s simplifying your CQC compliance, easy to manage workforce rota creation, or improving communication and collaboration amongst your teams – TeamNet will help keep your practices running smoothly so you and your staff can thrive.
Trusted by 67% of GP practices across England, TeamNet ensures your time is spent where it matters.

- Looking for user guides? Visit TeamNet’s help page for Guidance on how to use TeamNet
- Product Updates
- TeamNet Webinars Monthly Newsletter – October 2022
MLCSU Academy
MLCSU deliver a variety of IT training through experienced trainers, complemented by a range of user guides and videos.
To gain access to the MLCSU Academy, please contact mbpcc.lscthub@nhs.net.
Resources & Videos
Guides for Practices and Digital Champions
Nursing in the Digital Age (QNI)
Useful Resources
As we celebrate the 75th birthday of the NHS, it’s important to recognise the crucial role that efficient and effective collaboration plays in delivering quality health and care services. With the increasing adoption of digital technologies, online collaboration has become a cornerstone for the NHS workforce.
That’s why NHSE has put together this blog post to present 75 tips and tools to enhance online collaboration within the NHS and beyond.
FutureNHS Blog – 75 tips and tools for online collaboration – To share
BMA provide further information on video consultations and homeworking
Read about the Digital Champion Iplato Case Study at Higher Hays Surgery in Pennine Lancs
The Digital Nurse Network has moved to here
To support the continued delivery of the primary care flexible staff pools, we have published the framework for digital solutions for the deployment of sessional clinicians in primary care. This includes information on which digital suppliers have been awarded a place on the framework and will help commissioners understand the requirements of the call-off, helping them follow best practice when procuring a digital solution to support this deployment.
Making use of the framework will also support commissioners/ICSs to meet the requirements of the Winter Access Fund. For any further information not referenced in this guide related to call-off or ongoing contract management please contact digitalsupplier.framework@nhs.net.
E-Learning for health : providing e-learning to educate and train the health and social care workforce
A number of resources for primary care staff working remotely are provided on the Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria Digital Primary Care page. These include information on digital consultations, Microsoft Office 365 and many more
Practical steps for supporting digital inclusion locally include finding out rates of digital exclusion, and working on a plan involving everyone from patients to staff. More info
Please follow this link if you are unable to attend the remaining webinars: Plato offer 30 mins refreshers on different topics and practices and choose when it suits them
AccuRX training sessions:
UBJECT – Piloting App Prescribing Workshop
Frontline workers (any health funded role) are invited to attend a workshop, dates below, to help shape and pilot the use of health apps across Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS, both to support healthy living and lifestyle management, as well as part of core health pathways (e.g., diagnosis, condition management etc).
To sign up please email and enquire Simon Dickinson – simon.dickinson8@nhs.net about future dates for March 2022.
The particular focus for the work is Social Prescribing, Trainee Associate Psychology Practitioners (TAPPS) and across MSK and Long COVID / respiratory pathways
However, if there is strong interest in any other pathway then these will be considered.
Webinar dates, times and meeting links:
During the November workshop we’ll introduce the exciting programme brief, then start to define the policies and plans for how we move forward, as well as capture a baseline about current views and level of use of health apps.
There will be two further workshops in early December to launch the pilots and March 2022 – dates for this will be published at the webinars.
This is a great opportunity to help take forward how apps will support health pathways now and in the future. We look forward to working with you.
In October 2021 new requirements for general practice came into effect in the GP Contract relating to digital services. To help explain what these requirements are and to support the implementation of them we have published new guidance for GP practices.
HEE Learning Hub and eLfH
A series of ‘how to guides’ have recently been added to the Learning Hub that support the use of simulation-based education during the pandemic:
As part of ongoing evaluation work, NHS have commissioned an independent study into staff experiences of digital tools to support patient access, remote triage, and online consultations. Participation from all practice staff is strongly encouraged – receptionists, administrators, clinicians, and practice managers.
Staff are being asked to take part in confidential discussions about their experiences – including what they would like to see improved.
These insights will inform future policy and how support is provided to general practice. Find out more and register your interest using this online form.
Click here for a range of Posters, Leaflets, Digital Screens and a social media toolkit for use in primary care!