This webpage is currently under development
Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS)
PCN Network DES 2024/25
*** Newly released guidance from NHS England***
Pharmacy Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme Opportunities 2024 25
Explaining the Additional Roles: Animations to support PCNs
These animations from NHS East of England can help explain to both the wider workforce, and the general public visiting surgeries what the new roles inprimary care are, and how they can expect to see them in practice.
If there are any queries around the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme please contact the Workforce Development Manager team.
Fylde & Wyre and Lancashire North
Laura -Jane Lloyd
Lancashire East & Blackburn with Darwen
Clair Ormrod
Central Lancashire & West
Fiona Gray
Blackpool and South Cumbria
Zainab Rawat
ARRS FAQs Advanced Practice May 2023 updated final
FutureNHS Collaboration Platform Health and Wellbeing Coach
People will need to register for an account the first time they access.
The following is a useful set of documents created by NHSEI to support recruitment. You can gain access to these, and other useful guidance materials on the NHS Futures website.
- JD First Contact Physiotherapist
- JD Primary Care Dietitian
- JD Primary Care Paramedic
- JD Primary Care Podiatrist
- Recruitment Pack Occupational Therapist
- Recruitment Pack Pharmacy Technician
- Recruitment Pack Social Prescribing Link Worker
- Recruitment Pack Care Coordinator
- Welcome Pack Care Coordinator
- Recruitment Pack Health & Wellbeing Coach
- Welcome Pack Health & Wellbeing Coach
- Recruitment Information Physician Associate