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Please note, these events are for staff employed within the Lancashire and South Cumbria healthcare system only.

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Please note, these events are for staff employed within the Lancashire and South Cumbria healthcare system only.

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Microaggressions and allyship: EDI Skill Development Sessions

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The Development, Change and Transition team are pleased to announce Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Skill Development Sessions. Following the success of these sessions in the Delivery and Operations directorates, these sessions are now available to all staff in NHS England. These sessions will increase our confidence in identifying non-inclusive practices and taking steps to create a more inclusive NHS England, and also help us foster good relations between our colleagues.

Microaggressions and allyship

What do we mean by microaggressions and how do they manifest in the workplace? Allyship, privilege, what allyship means to different people. This session includes guest speakers from NHS England, sharing their lived experiences of microaggressions. How can we move from being a bystander to an ally? How do we increase our confidence in speaking up when we witness microaggressions? This session touches specifically on gender, race and other marginalised communities too.

Feedback from Previous Participants

  • “Powerful, relatable, personal stories that illustrated microaggressions are even more widespread than I had thought”
  • “I liked the phrase in one video in that it is OK to not understand, but take time to find out.”
  • “I learnt a lot about how diverse the LGBTQ+ community is and I found this really reassuring in terms of feeling equipped to think about and talk about this topic.”

Questions and Reasonable Adjustments

These sessions will run online on Microsoft Teams. Please e-mail if you have any questions or to tell us how we can support you in participating in the sessions.