To book a place on a training session, please click on your chosen event and register through the link provided.

Please note, these events are for staff employed within the Lancashire and South Cumbria healthcare system only.

Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACPs) Clinical Supervision Session

For all Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACPs) in Lancashire and South Cumbria. It is a wide opportunity to attend group clinical supervision sessions. The sessions are being put on to support and complement any clinical supervision at practice. Please note this is not Clinical Supervision Training. Host: Carrie Locker


Nurses & ACPs Clinical Supervision Session

For all Nurses & ACPs in Lancashire and South Cumbria. It is a wide opportunity to attend group clinical supervision sessions. The sessions are being put on to support and complement any clinical supervision at practice.


Nurses and ACPs Clinical Supervision Session

This training event will enable you to reflect on and further develop your knowledge and skills necessary to your role as a clinical supervisor. Speaker: Bridgett Welch - Specialist Safeguarding Practitioner for Adults and Children (NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board)


Nurses and ACPs Clinical Supervision Session

This training event will enable you to reflect on and further develop your knowledge and skills necessary to your role as a clinical supervisor. Speaker: Nick Worth – HEE portfolio route update and NW ACP NW regional update

ACP & NMP Nurses Clinical Supervision Session

This training event will enable you to reflect on and further develop your knowledge and skills necessary to your role as a clinical supervisor. Focus: NMP clinical supervision session on NW regional NMP updates / developments and what you can do around NMP development / progress from Joanna Tate – NW NMP HEE cooperative manager

ACP Clinical Supervision Session

This session will enable you to reflect on and further develop your knowledge and skills necessary to your role as a clinical supervisor. Focus: Long Covid Service and case studies - Lauren Landini , Long Covid Nurse Specialist, Long Covid Service - BTH

Northwest Wider Workforce Clinical Supervision Training

TUES 8th AUG & THURS 31st AUG09:00 - 16:30 (BOTH DAYS) This bespoke, free, two-day virtual course is for General Practice Clinicians working at Advanced Practice level who wish to start their training career by clinically supervising the wider workforce in a Primary Care Learning Environment The course will allow delegates to develop their teaching […]


ACP Clinical Supervision Session

This training event will enable you to reflect on and further develop your knowledge and skills necessary to your role as a clinical supervisor. Focus: Speaker – Vicki Jordan - Mental health , anxiety and depression management in primary care ‘top tips’


ACP Clinical Supervision Session

This training event will enable you to reflect on and further develop your knowledge and skills necessary to your role as a clinical supervisor. Focus: spinal fragility fractures - case studies (Speaker Laura Abel)
