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Please note, these events are for staff employed within the Lancashire and South Cumbria healthcare system only.

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 Improving Continence – Reducing Harm – Prioritising People Workshop

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The Regional Infection Prevention Team have developed a workshop Improving Continence – Reducing Harm – Prioritising People to explore the importance and relevance to the delivery of the wider care agenda that managing bowel and bladder continence.
Location: Brockholes Nature Reserve, Preston on 22 March. Please complete this form to book.
NHSE would like to invite relevant individuals, this includes quality leads, commissioner leads, continence teams and other relevant who are motivated to drive improvements with the continence agendas from all sectors of the system including our non-NHS partners and stakeholders.
The study day agenda includes a keynote talk by Sue Doheny, Chief Nurse for the Southwest and Senior Responsible Officer for Excellence in Continence Care; we have a patient story outlining the impact of continence services, a talk on using the available data to identify areas and improve outcomes, the results of the survey and the DRIPP (improve Device-Related Infection Prevention Practice) project.