To book a place on a training session, please click on your chosen event and register through the link provided.
Please note, these events are for staff employed within the Lancashire and South Cumbria healthcare system only.

To book a place on a training session, please click on your chosen event and register through the link provided.
Please note, these events are for staff employed within the Lancashire and South Cumbria healthcare system only.

- This event has passed.
Essential Care Navigation (non-clinical staff)

Places are limited . If you cannot attend this training, please ensure you have cancelled your place so that others can book on.
With the Forward View requiring that primary care takes the lead on signposting patients to the most appropriate support (other than the GP they want to see), practice staff will need to learn a range of skills in holding these conversations and dealing with the challenges of patient expectation and behaviour.
This Primary Care Navigation Training is designed to specifically support primary care staff in having conversations that will encourage patients to see the most appropriate person to manage their needs.
- What is care navigation?
- Why is care navigation essential in taking primary care forward?
- Recognising the care navigation we are already doing.
- Understanding that signposting is not triage
- Tips to ensure that patients have confidence in the process
- Supporting patients who are reluctant to not see a GP
- Managing aggression and frustration
- Minimising abuse
- Developing self-confidence in the role
Non-Clinical Primary Care Staff
- MS TEAMS (join on the app or online)
- Pen/Paper
- Preferably a camera and mic to participate
3 hours (Virtual)
You will receive an email a couple of days prior to the event with all training materials and a link to join the MS Teams training session.
By signing up you agree for your information to be stored and shared by the Training hub, with the Training Provider and with NHSE and ICB, for the delivery of this training, monitoring, reporting and certification purposes only.