Production Chef (Level 2)




Production Chef

Training Provider

Southport College

15 months
Most Suitable For
Ideal for new recruit or current staff who work as part of a team in time-bound and busy kitchen environment
Level 2 Production Chef Apprenticeship Standard
Programme Cost


Apprenticeships are paid using employer levy. Levy Paying Employers and Non-Levy Paying Employers, please read our Tuition and Apprenticeship Service Account Guide for more information and instructions.

Additional Funding
For all Employers:
  • If apprentice is under the age of 25, Employer may not have to pay Class 1 Employer National Insurance. Full details and criteria are found here. 
  • For apprenticeships starting between 1 August 2024 - 31 July 2025, employer may be eligible for £1,000 if apprentice is aged 16 - 18 years old, OR aged 19 - 24 years old and has either an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan provided by their local authority and / or has been in the care of their local authority. Full details and criteria are found within the ESFA Funding Rules.
Start Date
Teaching Delivery
Blended with both face-to-face (Southport College) and online teaching and resources.
Key Learning Requirements

Apprenticeships require learners to achieve specific new knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs), which are detailed in the Apprenticeship Standard. These are achieved by;
1) Programme Teaching; online coaching sessions , workshops (once a month) and online resources.
2) Independent study; such as assignment/project research and write up
3) Learning in the workplace; shadowing colleagues, completing programme assigned work based projects, day-to-day development within your current role duties/work activities, reflections with mentor, relevant training sessions.

Task 1: Food preparation, cooking and presentation Task 2: The importance of brand standards, operating procedures and specifications Task 3: Checking fresh, frozen and ambient foods Task 4: Safe handling of tools and equipment Task 5: Setting up and closing down procedures Nutrition Task 6: Sources and functions of key nutrients Task 7: Adapting dishes to meet specific dietary requirements Legal and governance Task 8: Allergens and legal requirements Task 9: Industry specific legislations and regulations Task 10: Legislative responsibilities People Task 11: Using communication methods Task 12: Principles of customer service Task 13: Working in a team Business/commercial Task 14: Understanding a business’s visions and values Task 15: Financial responsibilities Task 16: Using technology in food production organisations Task 17: Environmental issues Personal development and performance Task 18: Personal development and performance
every 3 weeks
workbook, assessments, observations and mock tests
Key Candidate Entry Requirements

•Apprentices without level 1 English and Maths will need to achieve this level and take the test for level 2 English and maths prior to taking the end-point assessment.

Key Employer Entry Requirements

• To attend review meetings with the assessor and apprentice every 8 -12 weeks to discuss progress.
•To support the learner with off the job training.
•Employers must be prepared to work with their Apprentices to develop their knowledge and skills by providing a wide range of learning and training opportunities
• They must also be prepared to allow them to attend College sessions at the agreed times

Application Timescale

It takes on average 1 month to complete all application stages for this programme.

If recruiting to this position, additional time will be required for recruitment and advertising stages.


Additional Training Hub Support

Primary Care Employees:
• Have access to all resources provided by the L&SCPC Training Hub such as Digital training, Health and Wellbeing support and events.

Social Care Employees:
• Have access to all resources provided by the L&SCSC Training Hub such as training, Health and Wellbeing support and events.

Information Last Updated

Programme Resources

Access to Computer/ Laptop and the internet.

How to Apply

If you would like to discuss or apply for an apprenticeship either for yourself, a member of staff or a vacancy for a new recruit, please complete the appropriate Training Hub Expression of Interest Form from the following options. This allows the apprenticeship team to complete basic pre-checks and to ensure the advice and guidance provided to you is tailored to your service. When relevant, application instructions (including tuition fee and funding instructions) will be sent.

Primary Care Online Expression of Interest Form. If you would like to discuss anything first, please email [email protected] or call Olivia on 07735161775

Social Care Online Expression of Interest Form. If you would like to discuss anything first, please email [email protected] or call Dawn on 07796 060023