Enhanced Clinical Practitioner (Level 6)



This is a new apprenticeship and some programmes are still in development. There is a National procurement which includes providers with online delivery. Please contact the apprenticeship team to discuss your options.


Enhanced Clinical Practitioners work as part of a multi-disciplinary clinical team across a wide range of settings, including hospitals, community clinics, individual’s homes and in dental and general practices. Specific examples of settings in which Enhanced Clinical Practitioners work include critical care units providing complex interventions to critically ill patients, GP premises providing specialist services for patients in the community and Children and Families Services units within a local council providing therapeutic interventions to children, young people and their families.


Development Pathways for AHPs via the Enhanced Clinical Practitioner Apprenticeship: In 2024, NHS England launched 10 AHP Enhanced Practice Apprenticeship Schemas. Professionals will access the apprenticeship pathways to train to deliver a high standard of complex, enhanced care for patients, using enhanced levels of clinical judgement, skills and knowledge across four areas of practice; clinical, leadership and management, education and research. To find out more about the AHPs who can now access the ECP apprenticeship, click here.

Programme Cost

The apprenticeship tuition fee is paid using employer levy. Levy Paying Employers and Non-Levy Paying Employers, please read the DAS and Tuition steps within our Apprenticeships Process – Employer Guide for more information and instructions.

Additional Funding
For all Employers:
  • If apprentice is under the age of 25, Employer may not have to pay Class 1 Employer National Insurance. Full details and criteria are found here. 
  • For apprenticeships starting between 1 August 2024 - 31 July 2025, employer may be eligible for £1,000 if apprentice is aged 16 - 18 years old, OR aged 19 - 24 years old and has either an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan provided by their local authority and / or has been in the care of their local authority. Full details and criteria are found within the ESFA Funding Rules.
  • Some Councils are providing incentive payments to local small employers who recruit and employ young apprentices. To find out more, including eligibility and how to apply for an incentive, please visit Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub (details within the GRANT presentation)
    • Lancashire County Council incentive is £3,000 for 100 Lancashire employers
    • Chorley Council incentive is £1,500 for Chorley employers
    • Fylde Borough Council incentive is £5,000 for Fylde employers recruiting a new apprentice who is a Fylde resident.
Additional Training Hub Support
Primary Care Employees:
• Have access to all resources provided by the L&SCPC Training Hub such as Digital training, Health and Wellbeing support and events.
Social Care Employees:
Have access to all resources provided by the L&SCSC Training Hub such as training, Health and Wellbeing support and events.
On successful completion of this apprenticeship, examples of further apprenticeship options include; Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Coaching Professional, Chartered Manager, Improvement Leader, Senior Leader, Senior People Professional.
HASO Apprenticeship pathway tool is available here
Career progression does not have to be linear. Entry criteria may differ per provider and varied routes may be available depending on the individuals prior learning and experience.
Information Last Updated

Programme Resources

How to Apply

If you would like to apply for an apprenticeship (either for yourself, a member of staff or a vacancy for a new recruit), please complete the appropriate Training Hub Expression of Interest Form from the following options. This will allow the apprenticeships team to; complete basic pre-checks, provide you with personalised advice/guidance and start the programme application process. You can find out more about the stages of applying for an apprenticeship within our Apprenticeships Process - Employer Guide.

Primary Care Online Expression of Interest Form. If you would like to discuss anything first, please email mbpcc.apprenticeships@nhs.net or call Olivia on 07735161775

Social Care Online Expression of Interest Form. If you would like to discuss anything first, please email mbpcc.lscsocialcare@nhs.net or call Dawn on 07796 060023