To book a place on a training session, please click on your chosen event and register through the link provided.

Please note, these events are for staff employed within the Lancashire and South Cumbria healthcare system only.

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To book a place on a training session, please click on your chosen event and register through the link provided.

Please note, these events are for staff employed within the Lancashire and South Cumbria healthcare system only.

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Nursing Associate Apprenticeship Information Webinar

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These webinars are aimed at managers, current applicants and future applicants. However they are open to anyone wanting to know more about the apprenticeship and how the Training Hub assists with the various stages. For those already actively enquiring/applying, Manager attendance is strongly advised.

Lancashire and South Cumbria Primary Care Training Hub are delivering apprenticeship information webinars.


The webinar will cover:

  • Overview of the apprenticeship per local provider
  • Entry requirements (and options if practice/candidate don’t yet meet these)
  • Resources and Useful Information
  • Finance and Additional Funding / Incentives if available
  • How to Apply
  • Q&A time