To book a place on a training session, please click on your chosen event and register through the link provided.

Please note, these events are for staff employed within the Lancashire and South Cumbria healthcare system only.

Civility and respect: “Take Care” – What support is there for you?

The NHS England Civility and Respect programme presents: Reach Out, Speak Up, Take Care: a series of events. This is the final of the three events in this series and focus on 'Taking Care'. Guest speakers, discussions and presentations will focus on what other support is available to you.


Wellbeing Conversations Training

What is a wellbeing conversation? The NHS People Plan 2020-21 sets out an ambition: “From September 2020, every member of the NHS should have a health and wellbeing conversation and develop a personalised plan. These conversations may fit within an appraisal, job plan or one-to-one line management discussion, and should be reviewed at least annually. […]


Menopause Information drop in

Reeta Karamchandani is hosting drop-in sessions open to all Primary Care staff, on behalf of Lancashire and South Cumbria Primary Care Training Hub. This will be an informal opportunity to connect with others and discuss key topics and support available both at the NHS and externally. Please come along and join the conversation.


Health and Wellbeing Champions – Being inclusive over the festive period

Health and Wellbeing Champions development session  Following the national launch event for Health and Wellbeing Champions on 13 July 2021, NHS England and Improvement committed to providing Champions with monthly development sessions focussing on key topics to enhance your role as a Champion. This session will focus on: Being inclusive over the festive period  Please […]


Health and Wellbeing Champion Training

Come join us for the L&SC PCTH Health and Wellbeing Training. Wellbeing should be a shared value across the organisation and not owned by one person or team​ This training will empower primary care organisations to create or upskill a team of employees to work alongside the Wellbeing Guardians and Wellbeing Champion Leads in the […]


Digital Champion Training

Sign up to the Digital Champion Training! A training session covering digital awareness and uses of IT within Primary Care.


Wellbeing Circle for Nurses & AHPs

ALL STAFF WELCOME - Limited to 10 places per session As part of NW training Hubs LSC PCTH are hosting sessions led by locality nurses who are collaborating to provide Wellbeing circles. Having a safe space to be heard reduces stress and increases welfare, which benefits both the employer and employee. For the employee, it fosters […]


Wellbeing Conversations Training (For Managers)

Managers and Leaders: Join us for a L&SC PCTH Wellbeing Conversation Session!   What is a wellbeing conversation? The NHS People Plan 2020-21 sets out an ambition: “From September 2020, every member of the NHS should have a health and wellbeing conversation and develop a personalised plan. These conversations may fit within an appraisal, job […]


Wellbeing Circle for Admin & Clerical Staff

ALL STAFF WELCOME - Limited to 10 places per session As part of NW training Hubs LSC PCTH are hosting sessions led by locality nurses who are collaborating to provide Wellbeing circles. Having a safe space to be heard reduces stress and increases welfare, which benefits both the employer and employee. For the employee, it fosters […]
