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Please note, these events are for staff employed within the Lancashire and South Cumbria healthcare system only.

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Healthy Boundaries and Expectations for Yourself and with Others (H&WB)

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Healthy Boundaries and Expectations for Yourself and with Others

About this event

TIME: 2 hour online workshop

AUDIENCE: This offer has been commissioned to directly support access for senior leaders across the North West (including but not exclusive to NHS Organisation Directors, Executive and Governing Body Leads, Primary Care Network senior leadership teams and those working across system level roles). If you would like to discuss access further please contact us at [email protected]

DESCRIPTION: The pandemic turned our “normal” expectations upside-down and inside-out. Emerging research indicates the importance of negotiating clear boundaries to keep yourself well and to support your colleagues and teams. This is often easier said than done! Yet it is crucial if we are to care for and sustain ourselves and others in the face of ongoing demands and pressures.

OUTCOMES: This workshop will provide you with the chance to pause, reflect and refresh your thinking on:

  • why boundaries matter for your own wellbeing
  • how good boundary-setting links to healthy work relationships and good care
  • why it can be so difficult to set boundaries and agree mutual expectations
  • practical ideas, strategies and tools for refreshing your boundaries for yourself and with colleagues

The session will be co-facilitated by Dr Jeanne Hardacre and Georgia Twigg, who have supported thousands of clinicians, practitioners and leaders with their individual and teams’ wellbeing throughout the pandemic.

Jeanne is an independent practitioner in leadership, team development and workplace culture. Georgia is a mental health specialist occupational therapist and lecturer.